This is a total nightmare. I'm so sorry you didn't get to be there. How much are tickets to Houston? Maybe we can take up a "Let Erin See the Birth" fund.
That sucks big time Erin. There really is no one who can do an induction? The doctor has no friends or collegues? Does she have to stick with her doctor? It really is just awful, all the plans made and then to have the doctor go on vacation, I would be super super upset too.
I already commented on this on Facebook, but I just want to say again how stupid and irresponsible this is. It's not that your sister is being whiny and just wants Quinn here - every day that passes it gets more dangerous for her and the baby.
That is awful!! :-( What a ridiculously irresponsible doctor/hospital. I hope everything turns out OK and that you at least get to see the baby ASAP after the birth.
Comments 12
I'm trying to get her to see about a cescerian (sp) because she needs to know her options....
How upsetting for everyone involved. :(
I would be livid, too.
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