A simple prop to occupy my time

Nov 28, 2015 19:06

Hi! I'm just sitting here on my couch, relaxing after a very, very busy holiday weekend thus far and thought I'd check in on y'all. Some people on my flist have been doing this meme, and I figure it would be fun!

The Assumption GameHow to Play ( Read more... )

say what you meme

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Comments 24

destina November 29 2015, 05:30:37 UTC
I awesome that you are AWESOME and I don't really need independent verification. *cheeky grin*


deirdre_c November 29 2015, 17:13:58 UTC
I awesome. You awesome. WE ALL AWESOME!!!! :D


adelheide November 29 2015, 06:02:42 UTC
That you are a sexy vixen you rocks trailer park chi like no one else.


deirdre_c November 29 2015, 17:16:53 UTC
FALSE!! I am a chubby suburban mom who mostly wears dowdy jeans and baggy black sweaters and rarely remembers to brush her hair. Any vixenness and/or trailer park tendencies I may possess can be found solely online. :DDD


big_heart_june November 29 2015, 11:11:59 UTC
That you're smart and competent and gorgeous and wonderful and the world's greatest mama! ♥♥♥


deirdre_c November 29 2015, 17:19:16 UTC
Hahaaa. Well, I guess I have you fooled then, don't I???

*snuggles you*


glovered November 29 2015, 16:59:15 UTC
You prefer regular tea to tea lattes.


deirdre_c November 29 2015, 17:20:07 UTC
True! Regular tea all the way. Black coffee too. I am a simple woman with simple pleasures. :)


glovered November 29 2015, 17:32:57 UTC


oddishly November 29 2015, 17:37:40 UTC
Full marks for comment AND icon *__*


oddishly November 29 2015, 17:03:28 UTC
I assume that you were the student who professors always singled out as brilliant!
... )


deirdre_c November 29 2015, 17:29:25 UTC
LOL. Wouldn't I have loved that? I guess my answer is: not always, but hopefully once in awhile? I mostly remember coming into both in my undergrad and grad programs thinking I was so terribly smart but then realizing my classes were chock full of EXTREMELY smart people. Makes me almost wish I'd chosen less competitive schools, ha. As a student, I always had lots of competition for the title of teacher's pet... not that I didn't try my damnedest. :P


oddishly November 29 2015, 17:36:50 UTC
Lol yes, that feeling. I have absolutely no doubt that those EXTREMELY smart people were thinking the exact same about you. *nod*


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