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Comments 104

amberdreams November 12 2015, 16:22:15 UTC
Jensen decides to show Jared he's not old... at all.


jj1564 November 12 2015, 17:15:57 UTC
That's what I was going to prompt!


anonymous November 12 2015, 16:23:39 UTC
Jared won't stop talking. Jensen decides to shut him up the best way he knows how.


deirdre_c November 12 2015, 16:23:43 UTC
Jensen's a bit drunk, so he doesn't realize he missed the 'off' button and left the camera recording.


deirdre_c November 12 2015, 18:35:38 UTC
Ah, ha - yes, PLEASE!


deirdre_c November 15 2015, 17:51:50 UTC
"So... We're going to bed?"

"Yes. No? You don't want to go to bed? It's been a long day and- oh. You want to- you want to fuck?"

"Too tired to fuck. But it would be nice if you could, like, suck me real quick?"

"Fuck... Right here?"

"It's dark. No one will see anything."

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Let me just..."

[slurping noises]

"Fuck, Jay, your mouth... Looks so good around me. I should turn the camera on and- Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck!"

[camera is turned off]


deirdre_c November 17 2015, 17:25:07 UTC
Yep. That's exactly what happened. EXACTLY. :D


killabeez November 12 2015, 16:24:00 UTC
The morning after, they find evidence of everything they don't remember doing the night before. The video was just the start.


zubeneschamali November 12 2015, 16:24:14 UTC
While watching the ep and live-tweeting, Jared decides he has to do something interesting during the commercials. So he starts seducing Jensen--but he abruptly stops every time the show comes back on. Jensen's getting increasingly turned on and frustrated, and once the credits finally roll, he makes Jared pay for teasing him like that.


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