Hot Fun in the Summertime Sam/Dean & J2 Comment-fic Meme

May 05, 2013 13:43

It was a close race in the polling, but the SUMMERTIME theme won out. So in honor of all of you authors who finished Big Bang stories and all of you artists who chose one from the bunch yesterday, and also in honor of my seventh straight day of posting, I GIVE YOU:

The Rules:

1) Comment to this post with any and all prompts about summertime. Skinnydipping! Lawn mowing! Melting ice cream! The community pool! Can be porny or g-rated, as long as they include Sam and Dean or Jared and Jensen. (Feel free to add in other characters, but please stick to Sam/Dean or J2 as pairings.)

2) Fill those prompts with fic or art! Writers and artists, you don't have to follow the prompt to the letter, but try to help the prompter go home happy. More than one fill to a prompt is welcome.

3) ???




Filled prompts:

Cool Ice Cream Gets Messy (J2) ~ by dugindeep

Play date (J2) ~ by norahy

Very Funny, Dean (Art fill) (Sam/Dean) ~ by fiercelynormal

Skinnydipping (Art fill) (Sam and Dean, possibly NSFW) ~ by mashimero

Sharp Shooting Tactics 101 (Sam and Dean) ~ by deceptivemirror

The Water's Fine (J2) ~ by the_rant_girl

Sudsy Kindness (Sam/Dean) ~ by deceptivemirror

Just Add Water (J2) ~ by eboniorchid

Like Long Hands with Tiny Fingers (J2) ~ by twiceascold

Dean’s never backed down from a dare (Sam/Dean) ~ by vorpalblades

Summer in Macatawa (J2) ~ by zubeneschamali

Overheated (J2) ~ by interflora

The Itch (Sam/Dean) ~ by interflora

Head On The Road (Sam/Dean) ~ by the_rant_girl

Summer of '69 (J2) ~ by interflora

Summer Vibes (Art fill) (J2) ~ by mashimero

Also, here is the FANTASTIC banner by my dreamgirl, dreamlittleyo, that you can use to pimp this out (please pimp this out!):">">

say what you meme

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