Here's a list of all the awards and nominations my fic has received.
Award Winners |
Nominations |
Challenge Awards |
Award Winners
An Alphabet Of FredRunner Up,
Absence of Light Awards round 3, "Best Overall Dark"
Absence of Light Awards round 3, "Judge's Choice"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 20, "Best Drama"
An evil name should be like Lex, or Voldemort, or…Unsung Hero,
Running With Scissors Awards round 5, "Where's My Cookie? (100 words)"
Runner Up,
Fang Fetish Awards round 10, "Best Drabble"
CiaoUnsung Hero,
Running With Scissors Awards round 6, "Where's My Cookie? (100 words)"
Dial N For Nancy-BoyRunner Up,
The Forbidden Awards round 10, "Joined at the Hip Award (Best Gen)"
DreamingRunner Up,
Running With Scissors Awards round 5, "Stakes and Chains (Slash)"
Kinda Gay Awards round 1, "Most Heart-Wrenching"
Kinda Gay Awards round 1, "Judges Choice"
Falling Into ShadowWinner,
Absence of Light Awards round 3, "Best Overall Angst"
Final InstructionsSecond Place,
Serenity On The Hellmouth Awards round 5, "Best Giles or Ripper Fic"
No Rest For The Wicked Awards round 2, "I Will Remember You - best angst"
Fuzzy ThoughtsRunner Up,
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 18, "Best Quickie Fic"
Glowy Green ThingsWinner,
Absence of Light Awards round 1, "Dark - Best Gen"
IllusionJudges Choice,
Absence of Light Awards round 2
Pancakes AgainWinner,
Absence of Light Awards round 3, "Best Ficlet"
Playing GamesWinner,
The Willowy Goodness Awards 2009 round, "Best Willow/Xander Fic"
The Willowy Goodness Awards 2009 round, "Best Willow/Xander Author"
Principal with a Post-ItRunner Up,
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 20, "Best Quickie Fic"
A Quiet Night InWinner,
No Rest For The Wicked Awards round 1, "That Old Gang Of Mine (Best Gen)"
Shell GameWinner,
Absence of Light Awards round 1, "Angst - Best Short"
Runner Up,
No Rest For The Wicked Awards round 1, "I Will Remember You (Best Angst)"
Shades of Grey Awards round 25, "Best Angst/Dark Fic"
So MuchWinner,
Rogue Poet Awards round 8, "Best Characterisation"
Runner Up,
Rogue Poet Awards round 8, "Best Angst"
Rogue Poet Awards round 8, "Reader's Choice"
Small SpacesRunner Up,
Rogue Poet Awards round 9, "Best General (non-Spuffy)"
SuccessionRunner Up,
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfic Awards round 19, "Best Quickie"
TowelsRunner Up,
Running With Scissors Awards round 3, "Best Drabble/Ficlet"
Rogue Poet Awards round 7, "Best General Fic (non Spuffy)"
Fang Fetish Awards round 10, "Best Ficlet"
Fang Fetish Awards round 10, "Mod's Choice"
Cover to Cover Buffy Awards round 1, "Best Comedy (non-Spuffy)"
The Very Secret Diary Of Andrew WellsFirst Place,
Serenity On The Hellmouth Awards round 5, "Best Andrew Fic"
When I Get A CarWinner,
White Knight Awards summer 2009 round, "That Was Great, I Gotta Shower"
WhitehatRunner Up,
Fang Fetish Awards round 9, "The Supernatural"
Written ReflectionsRunner Up,
Fang Fetish Awards round 9, "Best Original Character"
Best Author
Runner Up,
Rogue Poet Awards round 8
Kinda Gay Awards round 1
Absence of Light Awards round 3
Runner Up,
Cover to Cover Buffy Awards round 1
Stellar Supporter
Kinda Gay Awards round 1
An Alphabet Of FredSunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 20, "Best Characterisation"
Absence of Light Awards round 3, "Best Gen"
The Burkle SevenFang Fetish Awards round 9, "Best Gen Fic"
Serenity On The Hellmouth Awards round 5, "Best Fred Fic"
Running With Scissors Awards round 2, "Best Short Fic"
Shades of Grey Awards round 24, "Best Drabble/Ficlet"
Come Crashing DownSunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 21, "Best Angst"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 21, "Best AU"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 21, "Best Gen"
Deep Into The WellAbsence of Light Awards round 1, "Dark - Best Drabble"
Dial N For Nancy-BoyRunning With Scissors Awards round 4, "Best Short"
Rogue Poet Awards round 8, "Best General Fic (non-Spuffy)"
DreamingRogue Poet Awards round 9, "Best Slash"
Kinda Gay Awards round 1, "Best Buffy/Faith"
Kinda Gay Awards round 1, "Voter's Choice"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 18, "Best Pairing (Unconventional)"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 18, "Best Romance"
Shades of Grey Awards round 25, "Best Slash Fic"
EditingUnlocked Awards round 1, "Best Fluff/Comedy"
ElectricRunning With Scissors Awards round 2, "Best Ficlet"
Indigo Crypt Awards round 3, "Spotlight, Camera, Action - Best Rare Character Fic"
Rogue Poet Awards round 7, "Best Het (non Spuffy)"
Fang Fetish Awards round 10, "Best Drabble"
Entirely InnocentFang Fetish Awards round 9, "Best OC or Crossover Gen"
Fang Fetish Awards round 9, "Best Lighthearted/Fluff/Comedy"
Fair DinkumShades of Grey Awards round 25, "Best Overall Fic"
Running With Scissors Awards round 7, "Hairy Eyeball (Reader's Choice)"
Words On The Wind Awards round 1, "Buffy - Overall Fic"
No Rest For The Wicked Awards round 3, "Showtime - Best Original Plot"
A Fairytale In Five DrabblesFang Fetish Awards round 9, "Best Drabble"
No Rest For The Wicked Awards round 2, "Heart Of Gold - best drabble"
Running With Scissors Awards round 7, "Angelcakes (101-500 words)"
Final InstructionsBodice Ripper Awards round 12, "Best Future Fic"
Bodice Ripper Awards round 12, "Outstanding New Author"
Five People Who Oz Wasn'tSerenity On The Hellmouth Awards round 5, "Best Oz Fic"
For Spike: A ListShades of Grey Awards round 25, "Best Fluff/Lighthearted Fic"
Running With Scissors Awards round 7, "Angelcakes (101-500 words)"
Words On The Wind Awards round 1, "Buffy - Funny Fic"
Words On The Wind Awards round 1, "Buffy - Post-Series Fic"
The Forbidden Awards round 11, "Ride Me Like a Pony Award (Best Het)"
No Rest For The Wicked Awards round 3, "I Was Made To Love You - Best Romance/Fluff"
Fuzzy ThoughtsSunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 18, "Best Comedy"
Shades of Grey Awards round 25, "Best Fluff/Lighthearted Fic"
InfestationSunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 16, "Best Comedy"
IllusionFang Fetish Awards round 10, "Edge of Insanity"
Absence of Light Awards round 2, "Angst - Best Gen"
Keep On Keeping OnThe Forbidden Awards round 10, "Ride Me Like a Pony Award (Best Het)"
Maybe, If, Then, OrNo Rest For The Wicked Awards round 3, "That Old Gang of Mine - Best Gen"
Musty Old Books and Summer NightsRunning With Scissors Awards round 6, "Angelcakes" (101-500 words)
Not, NowRunning With Scissors Awards round 5, "Fanged Midget (501-1000 words)"
Unlocked Awards round 1, "Best Dawn Insert"
Not YourselfAbsence of Light Awards round 3, "Best Het"
Playing GamesUltimate Xander Awards, "The Knight in Aluminum Foil Award - Best Het"
PoetrySunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 20, "Best Comedy"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 20, "Best Gen Fic"
PreludeBodice Ripper Awards round 12, "Best Romance"
Bodice Ripper Awards round 12, "Best Het"
No Rest For The Wicked Awards round 2, "I've Got You Under My Skin - best het"
Principal with a Post-ItSunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 20, "Best Crossover (TV)"
Problematic Drinks of BadnessKinda Gay Awards round 1, "Best Platonic"
A Quiet Night InBodice Ripper Awards round 12, "Best Humour"
Bodice Ripper Awards round 12, "Best Gen"
Bodice Ripper Awards round 12, "Best Drabble/Ficlet"
No Rest For The Wicked Awards round 1, "Showtime (Best Original Plot)"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 20, "Best Comedy"
Red Night RisingWords On The Wind Awards round 1, "Buffy - AU Fic"
Words On The Wind Awards round 1, "Buffy - Angst Fic"
RememberRunning With Scissors Awards round 8, "Where's My Cookie (100 words)"
Shell GameSunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 17, "Best Angst"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 17, "Best Characterisation" (Trish Burkle)
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 17, "Best Drama"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 17, "Best Gen Fic"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 17, "Best Post-Series Finale Fic"
Absence of Light Awards round 1, "Angst - Best Gen"
Words On The Wind Awards round 1, "Buffy - AU Fic"
Words On The Wind Awards round 1, "Buffy - Angst Fic"
Small SpacesRunning With Scissors Awards round 3, "Best Short"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 16, "Best Quickie"
No Rest For The Wicked Awards round 2, "That Old Gang Of Mine - best gen"
No Rest For The Wicked Awards round 2, "Bushwacked - best AU"
So MuchRogue Poet Awards round 8, "Best Short"
Absence of Light Awards round 1, "Angst - Best Ficlet"
Running With Scissors Awards round 5, "Fanged Midget (501-1000 words)"
SuccessionNo Rest For The Wicked Awards round 2, "I Was Made To Love You - best romance/fluff"
Shades of Grey Awards round 25, "Best Characterisation (Buffy)"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfic Awards round 19, "Best Pairing Conventional"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfic Awards round 19, "Best Romance"
Running With Scissors Awards round 7, "Doomed (Het)"
They Come To Haunt MeRunning With Scissors Awards round 8, "Angelcakes (100-500 words)"
TowelsSunnydale Memorial Fanfic Awards round 16, "Best Fluff"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfic Awards round 16, "Best Gen"
White Knight Awards 2008 round, "Crazy Whirlygig of Fun"
White Knight Awards summer 2009 round, "Crazy Whirlygig of Fun"
ToysUnlocked Awards round 1, "Best Overall Dawn Fic"
TTFNRunning With Scissors Awards round 8, "Angelcakes (100-500 words)"
Umbrellas and Other InsecuritiesRunning With Scissors Awards round 8, "Fanged Midget (500-1000 words)"
The Very Secret Diary Of Andrew WellsSerenity On The Hellmouth Awards round 5, "Best Potential/Slayer Fic"
Waiting GameUnlocked Awards round 1, "Best Gen"
When I Get A CarWhite Knight Awards summer 2009 round, "Academically Dangerous"
White Knight Awards summer 2009 round, "I Like The Quiet"
WhitehatFang Fetish Awards round 9, "Best Gen Fic"
Fang Fetish Awards round 9, "Best Use of a Minor Character"
Serenity On The Hellmouth Awards round 5, "Best Hero/Heroine Fic"
Why Some Slayers Need Time, and Stupid Vampires Who Don’t Contact Them Are Just Going To Have To WaitSunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 21, "Best Fluff"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 21, "Best Post-Series"
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 21, "Best Romance"
Written ReflectionsFang Fetish Awards round 9, "Best Original Character Pairing"
Fang Fetish Awards round 9, "Most Original"
Wronged WomanAbsence of Light Awards round 1, "Dark - Best Ficlet"
You and I, We Fly Together (one hour among many)Fang Fetish Awards round 10, "Best Gen Fic"
Fang Fetish Awards round 10, "Best Ensemble Fic"
Fang Fetish Awards round 10, "Best Future Fic"
Best Author
Running With Scissors Awards round 2
Running With Scissors Awards round 4
White Knight Awards summer 2009 round
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 18
Shades of Grey Awards round 25, ("Favourite Gen Author")
Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards round 20
Best New Author
Shades of Grey Awards round 24
Best Angst Author
Absence of Light Awards round 3
Challenge Awards
Stuck In Place - 1st place for
lateseasonlove, "Villains" drabble challenge
A Fairytale In Five Drabbles - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 052 "a pairing you've never done before"
Perfect For Home Or Office - 2nd place for
still_grrr, prompt 054 "a crack pairing"
Alternate Realities Are Neat - 2nd place for
still_grrr, prompt 055 "romance free-for-all"
Stretching The Truth - 1st place for
lateseasonlove, "Two To Go" drabble challenge
When I Get A Car - 3rd place for
still_grrr, prompt 056 "manly Xander"
Becoming A Man In Five Easy Steps - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 057 "manly Wesley"
On The Wrong Side - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 059 "manly free-for-all"
Infestation - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 060 "Mary-Sue"
New Mother - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 061 "crack fic"
Wishes Can Come True - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 062 "self insert"
Wishes Of The Restless - 2nd place for
still_grrr, prompt 063 "song fic"
Random Acts Of Kindness - 2nd place for
still_grrr, prompt 064 "heroic Faith"
That Was Helpful - 1st place for
lateseasonlove, "Grave" drabble challenge
Replacement - 3rd place for
still_grrr, prompt 065 "heroic mothers"
Been Here Before - 2nd place for
still_grrr, prompt 067 "heroic Dawn"
Whitehat - 2nd place for
still_grrr, prompt 068 "heroic free-for-all"
After The Party - 2nd place for
still_grrr, prompt 069 "Shindig", "Band Candy", & "Rm v/a Vw"
We All Have Our Secrets - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 070 "Hush"
Responsible Party - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 072 "Ted"
The Squad - 2nd place for
still_grrr, prompt 074 "The Warriors"
Brave New World - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 075 "Cruel Intentions"
Grim Destiny - mod's choice for
still_grrr, prompt 076 "movie title free-for-all"
Mad, Dog, And Englishman - 3rd place for
still_grrr, prompt 077 "Gunn and Wesley friendship"
Stole My Barbie - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 079 "Willow and Xander friendship"
Remember - mod's choice for
still_grrr, prompt 082 "envy"
Electric - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 083 "lust"
Festivities - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 086 "tricks"
Future Echoes - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 088 "ghosts"
Clear Enough Signal? - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 089 "WTF?"
The Amazing Adventures of Buffillow and Rupert Spikles - mod's choice for
still_grrr, prompt 090 "Halloween free-for-all"
The Event Entire - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 091 "Tears Down My Cheeks"
Outshone - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 092 "Shadow"
Deep Into The Well - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 093 "Fred"
You and I, We Fly Together (one hour among many) - 3rd place for
still_grrr, prompt 094 "Winter Solstice"
Correspondence To A Fictional Entity - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 096 "December Holidays"
Holiday Season - 1st place for
still_grrr, prompt 098 "Holiday free-for-all"
Someone I Met On My Summer Vacation - 2nd place for
still_grrr, prompt 099 "How I Met Your Mother"
Holiday Season - 3rd place for
still_grrr, prompt 102 "Gossip Girl"
Problematic Drinks of Badness - 1st place (fiction) for
still_grrr, February 09 prompts, "Love Bites"
An evil name should be like Lex, or Voldemort, or… - 3rd place (ficlets) for
still_grrr, March 09 prompts, "Modly March"
A Quiet Night In - 1st place (fiction) for
still_grrr, March 09 prompts, "Modly March"
Fuzzy Thoughts - 2nd place (fiction) for
still_grrr, April 09 prompts, "Armed and Dangerous"
Editing - 1st place (fiction) for
still_grrr, May 09 prompts, "May Madness"
Fair Dinkum - 3rd place (fiction) for
still_grrr, June 09 prompts, "Vacation Time"
They Come To Haunt Me - 2nd place (fiction) for
still_grrr, July 09 prompts, "Jammin' July"
Sticks and Stones - 2nd place (fiction) for
still_grrr, July 09 prompts, "Jammin' July"
Succession - 2nd place (fiction) for
still_grrr, August 09 prompts, "Adjective August"
Red Night Rising - 2nd place (fiction) for
still_grrr, September 09 prompts, "Scene It September"
Principal with a Post-It - 2nd place (fiction) for
still_grrr, October 09 prompts, "Classic Horror Films"
Robot Girlfriend - 1st place (fanart) for
still_grrr, October 09 prompts, "Classic Horror Films"
Falling Into Shadow - 1st place (fiction) for
still_grrr, November 09 prompts, "Remember, Remember, What Aired In November"
Poetry - 1st place (fiction) for
still_grrr, December 09 prompts, "Holiday Havoc"
Valentine's Day Deliveries - 3rd place (ficlet) for
still_grrr, December 09 prompts, "Holiday Havoc"
An Alphabet of Fred - 1st place (fiction) for
still_grrr, January 10 prompts, "Classic Literature"
Speak as Liberal as the North - mod's choice for
still_grrr, January 10 prompts, "Classic Literature"
Dead British Men For All - mod's choice for
still_grrr, January 10 prompts, "Classic Literature"
Me and You - 3rd place (fanart) for
still_grrr, February 10 prompts, "Lovefest"
Come Crashing Down - 2nd place (fiction) for
still_grrr, March 10 prompts, "Oscars Time"
Not Much Left - 2nd place (ficlets) for
still_grrr, April 10 prompts, "Characters of Colour"
Vigil - 2nd place (ficlets) for
still_grrr, April 10 prompts, "Characters of Colour"
Stakes & Halter Tops - mod's choice (fiction) for
still_grrr, April 10 prompts, "Characters of Colour"
Why Some Slayers Need Time, and Stupid Vampires Who Don’t Contact Them Are Just Going To Have To Wait - 1st place (fiction) for
still_grrr, May 10 prompts, "Mood Ring May"
Award Winners |
Nominations |
Challenge Awards |