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Comments 7

sunnyskywalker August 17 2019, 23:51:36 UTC
Not giving (good) reasons why the adults can't handle a lot of the plot is probably one of the biggest flaws of the series, and so much of it could have been corrected. Just have Dumbledore not know everything from the start and you're halfway there already!

But now I'm imagining Poirot and Miss Marple as new teachers, which is hilarious. They would have that DADA curse broken in two days, and they'd just be getting started. So thank you for that :-D


chantaldormand August 18 2019, 00:23:48 UTC
Yup, just downsize Albus from God/Master of Universe status to simple Headmaster with little to non political pull and choose more fitting enemy for Harry. That is all what we need for this series to work.

Yeah and by the end of their first week, Albus would be wheeled on wheelchair out of Hogwarts due to his serve allergic reaction towards truth and competency :D

Honestly, that scene where Ron and Harry rapidly figure out whole mystery in chapter 16 does kinda remind me Christie's style.


nx74defiant August 18 2019, 20:29:11 UTC
It’s not ‘who’, but ‘what’ is the adversary. Because Harry’s adversary isn’t material being. It’s system or rather “authority figures”. Be it adults, teachers, politicians, reporters, prefects... If it has some kind of power over our protagonist, he will fight it. The only exception to this is Dumbledore, and I suspect that is because Albus is Jo’s stand in for God.

I hadn't thought of that before, but it is really true. That is why Percy is viewed as a traitor for trying to work with the ministry.


jana_ch August 20 2019, 04:09:21 UTC
And Snape is the epitome of evil because he's a strict and demanding teacher who expects students to do their own work and not mouth off in class. No wonder Harry hates him with the fury of a thousand suns.


aikaterini August 20 2019, 13:28:35 UTC
/Perhaps using muggle technology since knowledge of modern technology is his main advantage over purebloods ( ... )


chantaldormand August 20 2019, 15:44:28 UTC
I always though that Jo lost opportunity for interesting drama here. After all Voldemort is someone terrified of death who quite possibly at some point came back to his orphanage only to see pile of rubble. That is a very good justification to hate/fear non-magical humans and to keep up with their technological development ( ... )


sunnyskywalker August 21 2019, 02:23:18 UTC
Is the Headmaster's office Snape's 30 pieces of silver? This is intriguing. I'll have to think about it more!


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