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Comments 48

oryx_leucoryx February 2 2014, 00:22:01 UTC
IOW she didn't listen to her characters. Not that I think Harry and Hermione would have been better. I think they should have ended up with 3 other people, probably ones they only met for the first time after the war was over. No baggage.


ladyzenobia February 2 2014, 00:26:35 UTC
Yeah, I never got relationship vibes from any of them either and I'm generally not buying that everyone married their high school sweetheart and never met anyone else. But I still prefer Harry/Hermione only because Ron/Hermione reminds me so much of Molly and Arthur =S


oryx_leucoryx February 2 2014, 00:45:36 UTC
Yes, Rowling made them more and more Molly&Arthur as she went along. If anyone wants to know what Molly and Arthur were like as kids they have much of it in Ron and Hermione. She even gave both Molly and Hermione fall birthdays, and both Arthur and Ron spring birthdays. And I bet the older couple were also prefects, and Arthur confiscated other people's illegal toys so he could play with them.


ladyzenobia February 2 2014, 08:01:24 UTC
If they were muggle toys, certainly. And the worst thing is, that Rowling probably intended the comparison to be drawn, cause she actually thinks that Molly and Arthur are a great couple.


madderbrad February 2 2014, 01:03:34 UTC
Sadly I have such little respect for Rowling I don't glean much satisfaction from this on the Shipping front (I deplore R/Hr and am a H/Hr fan).

I'm also wondering if it's an April Fools joke come early. I await confirmation of the official article/interview with interest.

The best part of this (if it's true) is that it simply confirms what we've come to realise - she was a seat-of-her-pants author who wrote with little logic or planning. Which vindicates those of us who point out how she failed so badly in concluding her series.

On the personal front I can't help but wonder what the poor pro-Jo disciples will do; those of them who exulted in following her/their precious OBHWF pairings "because it's canon" ... and "because Jo said so".


papier February 2 2014, 02:15:02 UTC
I JUST saw this and came here for the first time in years to see if it was posted.

To be honest, I think the books show that she wasn't developing Harry and Hermione in a direction that would have brought them together, and I don't think following the typical convention of the hero and the main girl getting together would have necessarily made for rewarding reading. But there's no doubt that Ron and Hermione are not a compatible partnership, and that their relationship would not have lasted (it was like Johnny and Baby - a summer fling and then they both would have moved on to someone more suitable).

I wonder what she means by wish-fulfilment, though. Didn't she once say that Ron was based on her best guy friend when she was younger? Maybe she held a candle for him or something.

Also, as a staunch Ginny-hater, I wonder where this leaves Ginny in her plans? Might have to buy this paper...


hwyla February 2 2014, 03:23:45 UTC
Once JKR put Hermione and Ron together, I had always thought that it was probably about her old friend. She had an apparently incompatible first marriage that had ended relatively recently before she began writing HP, so I had figured that she was kind of beating herself up emotionally over not choosing a 'best friend' to marry. Of course, I have no idea whether or not he was interested in such a way.

It certainly makes a farce out of the idea of James and Lily, if you ask me. Her comments about avoiding the 'bad boys' seem to show she had no idea that James might be considered a 'bad boy'/rebel.


madderbrad February 2 2014, 07:14:32 UTC
Also, as a staunch Ginny-hater, I wonder where this leaves Ginny in her plans?

Reversing her R/Hr is one thing.

Reversing her beloved H/G would be a whole higher level, I think.

After she came out with the ridiculous 'Harry and Ginny are soul mates' nonsense she twice, as I recall, made off-the-cuff statements supporting that belief, entirely unsolicited and unprompted; "I really do think they are soul mates".

So I'll be interested to see the pro-H/Hr sentiment in this interview, separate from the anti-R/Hr component.


papier February 2 2014, 13:00:16 UTC
I'm definitely buying the magazine when it comes out, because I need to see this. I doubt Ginny gets mentioned, if I'm honest. I really think that THAT'S the relationship she should be reconsidering, even though Ron and Hermione were not compatible.

As for 'soul mates', unless Quidditch and being a dick makes you soul mates, then it's just the lust monster talking again.


wolf_willow31 February 2 2014, 18:08:37 UTC
In the picture (I assume from the interview) that I saw on the BBC website, JKR was wearing a python-pattern dress. "I wonder if that dress is supposed to suggest Nagini?" I thought. Then I thought, "Hey! Maybe she's supposed to be Nagini. After all, she went through a lot of contortions in that last book in order to be able to kill Snape." Maybe Nagini became one of her Mary Sues. Or perhaps her horcrux.

Just a weird thought. Maybe I haven't had enough coffee yet this morning.


radicalhighway February 2 2014, 20:00:49 UTC
JKR should just shut up about HP. Every time I see a new Pottermore update or an interview, I just feel the bulshit rearing its ugly head.


wolf_willow31 February 2 2014, 21:18:04 UTC
I fear that's unlikely. She can't bear to be out of the spotlight.


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