Title: Quincy Archer... Doesn't Hate You?
myuki_chanChallenge: Challenge #3 - "Quincy Archer Hates You"
Characters: Urahara/Ishida
Spoilers: Urahara's past? So... chapter 130.
Notes: Er... this is purely an excuse to pimp my love for this unorthodox pairing. XD And don't worry, it's just fluff. ...IMO, it's too short too. T_T
"I hate you, you know."
Fingers trailed lazily up a pale arm, one that seemed to glow in the moonlight filtering through the window onto the bed.
"...or at least, I'm supposed to hate you."
An equally lazy smile settled onto the face gazing down at the boy who was staring at the ceiling, forehead wrinkled as he frowned thoughtfully. Urahara’s eyes glinted in amusement and Ishida idly noted that he liked it better when there was no hat to shadow such expressive features.
Oh wait. What was he thinking about again?
"You’re a shinigami, so I should hate you. Not just any shinigami either but a captain. And not just any captain but the previous captain of the research division." Ishida listed off, finding it increasingly difficult to keep a hold on his train of thought when those fingers from earlier began tip-toeing across his collarbone.
"A-and... and... you were the one who founded the Research Institute of Technology. So clearly, I should blame you for providing the current 12th division captain with the means of carrying out those experiments he did on the Quincy... It’s only logical. I should also hate you for-"
"Please stop talking. You’re ruining the mood. ♥"