[For the Shadow Angel Detective Agency] "Leave your body Leave this body now"

Jan 07, 2012 00:44

A note has been posted on the bulletin board of the main room:

To the agents of the Shadow Angel Detective Agency:

Witnesses will be needed for a post-mortem examination. I will be the operating room of the basement lab, this afternoon.


It's been a while since Jacquel has used his stills, and in some ways, it does not quite surprise him that his first subject at the Mansion is the odd little woman who held him in such reverence and fascination when she figured out who he is on their first meeting.

Her body was so covered in blood that he barely recognized her at first, not until he cleaned off the corpse, washing her down carefully in the basement lab which he'd been scoping out as a potential workplace. He'd found a foot-operated dictaphone which he's been tinkering with for weeks, getting it to work. Armat's body lays on the slab, naked, head propped with a foam block under her neck.

The room is colder than it usually is and Jacquel is covered with a pale blue surgical cover-up over his shirt, vest and slacks, a cloth cap covering his head and protective goggles over his eyes. He's prepping the saws and scalpels he's going to need, laying them out on the same work table that holds the dictaphone.

Title nicked from Septic Flesh's "Anubis". So, looking for the folks in the Agency. Warning: Medical/post-mortem stuff.

who: sam winchester, who: hisoka kurosaki, who: genkai, !restricted post, who: phoenix wright, who: dean winchester

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