Worth It Chapter 4b/?

Oct 14, 2012 14:54

Title: Worth It, Chapter 4b
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating:  NC-17
Words:  6752
Warnings: Wincest, angst, rimming,
Spoilers: Specifically Season 2 and 3, although some themes from Season 4 might slip in.
Summary: The next part of my WIP. We're kind of following season 3, with an eventual AU twist of Sam using his powers before Dean's deal is up to try to save him.
AN #1: The last chapter ended with some angst…which lead to a little writer’s block, hence the delay between chapters.  I think the boys and I are back on track now.

I've borrowed some canon dialogue from 3.04 "Sin City," and 3.05 "Bedtime Stories," used for my own devices, of course.
AN#2: Thank you as always to the incredible sammichgirl, the best cheerleader in all of wincest-land.  So lucky to have you holding my hand every step of this journey.  Hugs, bb!

I have become a total comment whore and it would just make my day to get feedback J

Chapter 4a

Worth It Chapter 4b

It had turned out the deaths were the work of an angry spirit trapped by her coma-struck body.  Sam convinced the father of the girl to face her, to really listen and in the end, the father had to let his little girl go.   Before they left he said to Sam and Dean, “She was the most important thing in my life. But I should've let her go a long time ago.”  It had been a rough case and all Sam wanted was to go back to the motel and hit the sack.

As they returned to the motel room, Dean turned to Sam and said, “You know what he said? Some good advice.”

“Is that what you want me to do Dean?”  Sam asked stepping into Dean’s space and cupping his older brother’s stubbled cheek, “Just let you go?”  Dean looked deep into Sam’s eyes for a brief moment, then pulled his face away and stepped back.

Dean looked at the ground as he spoke, “Sammy, I have to protect you.  Don’t you get it?  While I’m still here I have to keep you safe, little brother.  I’ve already hurt you with this,” he motioned between them,”It’s better if you just move on now.  Then at the end of my year…” he trailed off, hoping Sam would fill in the blanks with the words Dean couldn’t bring himself to say.

“Then what, Dean?  You think it’s gonna hurt me any less to lose you just because we’re not sleeping together?”  Sam’s tone was a mix of incredulity and frustration that only Dean was ever able to bring out like this.  He shook his head, then gently said “You stupid bastard.  You are still my brother.  The one person who has always been there my whole life.  You are still the center of my world.  Whether or not we have…this…involvement, it is still going to rip my heart out if you die.”  There were tears in Sam’s eyes and Dean just stood there with his eyes still fixed on the carpet.  “Dean?”

Dean raised his head and Sam could see deep green awash in the tears that Dean fought to keep from spilling.  “Sammy.  I-I’m…I’m so sorry.  I never wanted to hurt you, baby boy.  I just-you were dead and it felt like someone ripped me open and tore out my soul.  I couldn’t help myself, I just…I had to have you back.  I didn’t think-I shouldn’t have made that deal…I didn’t think it would do this to you.  I just-I wanted you to have a chance to live,” Dean was talking fast and barely stopping for breath.  Sam wanted to reassure Dean, but he knew better than to interrupt this rare moment of an open Dean.

“Sammy, I thought you’d just be able to grieve me and then move on.  Go back to school, get married, have the normal life you always wanted.”  Dean finally looked at Sam after he finished.

“Dean, that was always the life you wanted for me.  Not what I actually wanted.”  Sam stepped back up to Dean, winding one long arm around his waist, and placing his other hand along Dean’s jaw, stroking the skin there. “All I ever wanted was you, Dean.”  Sam leaned down slowly, hearing Dean’s breath catch.  He brought his lips to his brother’s mouth and kissed him, deep and full, with all the emotion of the last month and of his entire life spent watching a brother who, as far as Sam was concerned, made the sun rise and set.  His own lips pressed and pulled on Dean’s full lips with an urgency that was so much more than sex.

Dean could feel every emotion tingling through his brother as Sam kissed him, and it nearly brought him to his knees.  He swayed against his brother and then fisted his hands in Sam’s shirt and began kissing Sam back with all the same devotion.  He used his lips to tell Sam that from the moment he’d been placed in Dean’s arms Sammy had been the only thing in Dean’s world; that nothing would ever matter to Dean without Sam, that he was so sorry he had made such a miscalculation about Sam’s feelings.

Dean’s hands moved up Sam’s chest and found their way into the unruly chestnut locks of Sam’s hair.  Dean opened his mouth and Sam’s tongue entered swiftly, claiming Dean’s mouth.  Sam took his time and explored every ridge of Dean’s palette, the smooth moist planes inside Dean’s cheeks, then tangled with the just slightly rough texture of Dean’s tongue.  Dean moaned and Sam sucked Dean’s tongue into his own mouth.  Dean explored and claimed Sam’s mouth in the same way and by the time the kiss was over, both were dizzy.

The brothers pulled back from the kiss and their eyes met.  Sam’s hazel searched the emerald gaze of his brother as Dean looked into Sam for answers.  They each nodded in assent to the question neither needed to speak aloud.  Yes.  They were ready for this deepening connection, they needed it; it no longer made sense to go on without joining on this level.  Sam’s hands smoothed across Dean’s chest as he pushed his leather jacket off his shoulders and arms so that it slid to the floor.  Dean reached up, capturing Sam’s face in his hands and pulling him down for another kiss.  Sam moaned into the kiss as it became hotter and then sweeter as Dean poured all his feelings into it.

Dean grabbed the hems of Sam’s shirts and broke the kiss momentarily to gently tug them up over his little brother’s head.  Once Sam was standing in front of him shirtless, hard muscle under tanned skin, perfect beauty that Dean had craved as long as he could remember.  He laid his hands gently over Sam’s pecs, then pressed the one over Sam’s heart in tighter.  He felt the strong beat of Sammy’s heart as it sped up.  He leaned forward and placed a kiss on the tattoo that kept his brother safe, that matched the one on his own chest.  He slid his hands over Sam’s skin, barely grazing the surface and it raised goosebumps on Sam’s skin.  Sammy shivered as Dean’s lips began following his hands over the skin of his chest, then up his neck.  Dean licked a slow stripe up Sam’s neck, ending at the sensitive spot below Sam’s ear.  He nipped at the skin, and then sucked it into his mouth.  Sam moaned and tipped his head allowing Dean better access.  Dean licked and nipped at the spot until Sam’s breath was coming in broken pants.

“Sammy…” Dean whispered the name like a prayer, with all the reverence that those two syllables had held for Dean nearly his entire life.  “I know Dean,” Sam whispered back, placing a kiss on Dean’s full bottom lip, “Me too.”  Sam lifted Dean’s t-shirt over his head.  He bent to kiss the crook where Dean’s neck met shoulder and placed small open mouthed kisses across his brother’s shoulder, then bent to the other side to repeat the action.  Sam’s big hands glided over Dean’s freckled skin; he felt the muscle ripple under his touch.  Since Sam understood what it meant to desire, Dean had been the object of that emotion.  Dean was everything Sam had ever wanted, and Sam needed to show Dean exactly how much that meant.

Sam looked deep into Dean’s eyes as he backed them toward the bed until Dean’s knees hit the mattress.  He captured his brother’s full lips in another kiss as he gently laid Dean down on the bed.  He broke from Dean’s mouth to move to his stubbled jaw, then down his neck.  He stopped over Dean’s pulse point to bite, and then sucked the sensitive skin into his mouth.  Dean hissed, then moaned as his back arched off the bed.  Sam felt the hard line of Dean’s cock against his thigh and he pushed down into it.  Dean let out a breathy noise as he arched back into Sam for friction.

Sam longed to give Dean the release he was seeking, but this was about more than getting off, and Sam wanted to worship Dean.  To make Dean feel how very much he was Sam’s everything.  Sam understood the only way to get through to his brother was to speak in Dean’s language: action.   He pulled his thigh back and Dean tried to chase it with his hips, but Sam just shushed him and used one hand to push him back against the mattress.  “Not yet, Dean…gonna take care of you.  Little brother is gonna take care of you this time, De.”  Dean let out a small breathy sound and reached for Sam.  Sammy allowed himself to be pulled back into another kiss, as sweet as it was hot.

Sam pulled from the kiss and returned his attention to the span of pale skin over Dean’s chest.  He kissed along the skin, pausing to nip at freckles, then stopping when he reached Dean’s nipple.  He looked up at Dean through his bangs and grinned before taking the bud into his mouth.  He sucked and bit and tongued at it until Dean was moaning and writhing, then kissed across his chest and did the same to the other side.  He kissed down his brother’s abs, pausing to lick into Dean’s belly button and was surprised at the strength of Dean’s reaction as he cried out when Sam’s tongue pushed into the dip.  Sam nipped and kissed as he trailed down, he paused at the spot where Dean’s trail of golden hair met his belt.  Sam watched Dean’s face as he slowly unbuckled Dean’s belt and unbuttoned his jeans.  He bent and quickly removed Dean’s boots, before slowly sliding Dean’s jeans and boxers down his bowed legs and off.  He stood and paused for a moment, drinking in the sight.  Dean laid out, naked, skin flushed pink with the arousal Sam had caused, cock full and hard and just beginning to leak.  It was beautiful.  It was everything Sam had ever wanted.

Sam removed his own shoes and pants quickly.  He picked up Dean’s left ankle and kissed his brother’s instep, then moved his lips up through the blonde hair kissing every couple of inches as his mouth moved up Dean’s leg.  At his knee, Sam adjusted his path diagonally across Dean’s thigh, ending at Dean’s hip bone, which he nipped gently, causing Dean to jump and gasp.  “Sammy, please…”

“Shhh,” Sam, soothed.  “It’s ok Dean, right here.  Always right here.”  Sam’s hands smoothed down Deans’ legs as he bent to repeat the process up Dean’s right leg. By the time Sam captured the skin over Dean’s right hip bone in his mouth, Dean was throwing his head side to side and babbling incoherent mixtures of Sam’s name and curses with broken moans and gasps.

Sam sat back on his heels between Dean’s thighs, waiting for Dean to look up, and as Dean met his gaze, Sam hooked his hands behind each of Dean’s knees and pushed them up and back.  Sam grabbed a pillow from the head of the bed, and lifted Dean’s hips, placing the pillow underneath.  Dean looked at Sam quizzically, but Sam just raised one eyebrow before bending his head.

Sam’s head bent between Dean’s thighs and Dean closed his eyes, ready for his baby brother’s mouth on his aching cock.  His eyes flew open, when instead he felt Sammy’s lips press a kiss against his hole.  “Sammy!  What-” He was cut off by the sensation of Sam’s tongue, Sammy’s hot, wet tongue tracing the circle of delicate flesh around his pucker.  Dean’s head flew back as he involuntarily arched into Sam’s mouth.  Sam moaned and the vibrations only had Dean canting his hips more.  Sam’s tongue traced circle after circle, teasing around the entrance.  Dean had been reduced to harsh panting and breathy moans, and as he felt Sam’s tongue breach his hole he cried out.  “Oh, God…Sammy..God…baby boy, that feels-”  Sam just smiled briefly against Dean’s skin, then began fucking his tongue into his brother’s hole.  He started slowly, teasingly, but quickly lost himself in Dean’s reaction and needed more.  He used a hand on each of Dean’s firm ass cheeks to pull them apart giving him better access.  He drove his tongue as deep into Dean as he could, stopping occasionally to swirl his tongue around the smooth hot skin inside his brother’s channel.

Dean was gone.  He couldn’t speak, couldn’t think, couldn’t feel anything past, “Yes!” and “More!”  He shamelessly canted his hips to give his Sammy better access and moaned deep and loud and long when he was rewarded with a particularly deep plunge of Sammy’s talented tongue.  He could feel the wet dripping out of him and he didn’t even care how sloppy it was, it just felt so good.

“Please, Sammy, please, more…”  Dean wasn’t even sure what he was begging for, he just knew that suddenly, as good as Sam’s tongue felt in him, he needed more of Sam.  In him.  Now.  Sam pulled back long enough to ask, “You sure Dean?”  Dean nodded quickly.  Sam’ mouth returned and soon Dean felt one of Sam’s oh-so-long fingers sneak in beside it. “Oh God!  Sammy!”  The unexpected pleasure of his brother’s finger being in him was driving Dean to the brink.

Sam added a second finger beside his tongue, fucking in and out several times, before pulling his tongue out so he could sit back and watch Dean come apart.  He fucked his fingers in and out of Dean, watching as they disappeared into his brother and watching as the expression on his brother’s face dissolved into only pleasure.  Sam crooked his long fingers and felt the spongy bundle of nerves and pressed in.

“Fuck!  Sammy! Oh, Sammy, fuck yes…”  Sam was entranced by the sight of Dean completely giving in to desire ignited by his little brother.  “Dean…De, can I…?  Another?”

“Yes, Sam, please, yes.”  Sam added a third finger, fucking his long digits into his brother and crooking them over that spot until Dean was fucking back into his hand.

“Sammy,” Dean breathed, “Sammy, I want…will you…can we?”

“What Dean? Tell me what you want.”  Sam said gently.

Dean’s hands framed Sam’s face and pulled him closer, Dean kissed him, full and deep and endless.  “Sammy, I want you.  In me.  Please?”  Dean’s green eyes, so full of every emotion they’d been through together the last months met Sam’s hazel tear rimmed ones.  Sam nodded, then kissed Dean back matching every sentiment Dean had poured out.

Sam pulled back from his brother and went to his bag to get the lube.  He returned to the bed and knelt between Dean’s thighs again and slicked his aching hard cock.  He looked into his brothers eyes and asked one more time, “You sure, De?”  Dean nodded, “Yeah , Sammy.  ‘m sure.”

Sam leaned forward and positioned himself to line up his dick with Dean’s stretched, pink hole.  He bent his head forward and kissed Dean deeply as he slowly slid into his brother.  He felt Dean tense and he paused.  He broke the kiss long enough to whisper into Dean’s ear, “Relax big brother, just breathe and let me in, De.”  He felt Dean take a deep shaky breath and his muscles loosened around Sam.  Sam recaptured Dean’s kiss swollen mouth as he drove the rest of the way into Dean.

When Sam bottomed out in Dean their kiss was broken as each threw their head back and moaned, deep and loud.  Sam felt himself surrounded by Dean, his De, and it was more than just fucking his brother…it was as though he felt every thought and emotion and everything there was that made up Dean in this moment.  He dropped his head into the crook of Dean’s neck as he began to slowly withdraw.

Dean felt every inch of his little brother inside him.  It wasn’t just being filled, it was like being whole.  Like Sam had been the piece Dean needed to understand every feeling he’d ever had.  And he knew, deal or not, he couldn’t leave now…He couldn’t give this up.  He could not leave his baby boy behind.  A tear escaped the side of his eye and slid down his face soaking into the pillow below him.  He wrapped his arms around Sammy and held tight.

Sam could feel it, the moment when this went beyond physical pleasure for his brother.  He moved his hips in long, slow thrusts in and out of his brother, feeling every bit of tight heat with each movement.  He knew he’d never be able to give this up.  It felt more real and true than it had any right to, and the thought that he would be losing Dean in less than a year tore at him.  He shook in an involuntary sob as he laid his head back down on Dean’s shoulder.

They held each other like that for full minutes, each clinging to the brother they’d never know how to lose, as Sam moved shallowly in and out of Dean.  When Sam felt the tingling building low in his belly, he lifted himself off Dean’s chest and adjusted the angle until he found the sweet spot inside his brother that made him arch and yell out, “Sammy!”

Sam and Dean looked into each other’s eyes as Sam plunged in and out of Dean, working Dean’s prostate with every thrust.  Sam reached between them and wrapped one of his immense hands around Dean’s cock and pumped in time with his thrusts.

Sam felt Dean’s inner muscles begin to tighten and he drove into him faster, trying to meet his brother’s impending release.

“Oh, fuck.  Sammyyyy!” Dean cried out as he came hard and long between them.

Sam answered with a roared, “Dean!” as he shot deep into his brother.  He worked them through the aftershocks, both trembling with it, before gently pulling from Dean and collapsing on the bed next to his brother.

Neither spoke; Dean wrapped an arm around Sammy and pulled him close, resting Sam’s head on his chest over Dean’s heart.  Sam wrapped his arm around Dean’s waist and snugged his head in under Dean’s chin.  They lay there together, just breathing until just before dozing off Dean quietly whispered, “I’m so sorry, baby boy.”

Sam lay there for over an hour, listening to Dean’s breathing.  He wanted nothing more than to stay there in Dean’s arms for the night, but first he had something to finish.  Sam quietly got up from the bed, untangling himself from Dean’s limbs carefully.  When Dean started to wake, Sam leaned down shushing him and kissing his eyelids.  Dean fell back to sleep, and Sam silently dressed, picked up his bag and snuck out the door.

He got in the Impala and drove to the crossroads outside of town.  Sam crouched down in the middle, using his hands to bury the small box with all the necessary items.   He stood, brushing his hands on his pants and looked around for the demon he needed to see.

A petite brunette appeared, “Well. Little Sammy Winchester,” the demon said, her eyes glowing red, “I'm touched. I mean...your brother's been to see me twice, but you? I never had the pleasure.”

Sam just glared at her.  There was no humor in this situation and he was past his patience in dealing with these evil demon bitches.

“What can I do for you, Sam?”

In answer Sam pulled the Colt out and pointed it straight at the crossroad demon. “You can beg for your life.”

“We were having such a nice conversation, then you had to go and ruin the mood.”

“If I were you I'd drop the wisecracks and start acting scared.”

She laughed gently and shook her head. “It's not my style. That's not the original Colt. Where did you get that?”

Sam just stared at her in silence.

“Ruby. Had to be. She is such a pain in my ass. She'll get what's coming to her... “ the demon paused, “you can count on it.”

“I came here to make you an offer,” Sam started.

“You're gonna make me an offer? That's adorable.”

“You can let Dean out of his deal right now. He lives, I live. You live. Everyone goes home happy. Or...” Sam pulled the Colt back, cocked it, then leveled it at her heart, “You stop breathing. Permanently.”

“Oh,” she said, laughing, “All this tough talk,” she began pacing a slow circle around Sam and he tracked her with the colt. “I have to tell you, it's not very convincing. I mean, come on Sam. Do you even wanna break the deal?”

“What do you think?”

“I don't know. Aren't you tired of cleaning up Dean's messes? Of dealing with that broken psyche of his? Aren't you tired of being bossed around like a snot-nosed little brother? You're stronger than Dean. You're better than him.”

“Watch your mouth.”  Sam’s anger grew at the accusation.

“Admit it. You're here, going through the motions. But truth is…you'll be a tiny bit relieved when he's gone.”

“Shut up.”

“No more desperate, sloppy, needy Dean. You can finally be free,” she taunted.

“I said. shut. up!” Sam shouted at her.

“Huh. Doth protest too much if you ask me.”

“All right, enough of your crap. You let Dean out of his deal right now.”

“Sorry sweetheart, but your brother's an adult. He made that deal of his own free will, fair and square. It's iron clad.”

“Every deal can be broken.”

“Not this one.”

“Fine. Then I'll kill you. If you're gone, so's the deal.”  Sam didn’t really care one way or the other, as long as Dean lived.

The demon just laughed at Sam, “Guess again.”


“Sam, I'm just a sales woman. I got a boss like everybody. He holds the contract, not me. He wants Dean's soul, bad. And believe me. He's not going to let it go.”

“You're bluffing.”

“Am I? Shoot me, if it'll get you off, but the deal still holds, and when Dean's time is up, he's getting dragged into the pit.”

“Then who's your boss?” Sam lowered the Colt, “Who holds the contract?”

“He's not as cuddly as me I can tell you that.”

“Who is it?”

“I can't tell you. I'm sorry Sam. There's no way outta this one. Not this time.”  Sam looked at the ground and swallowed.  His emotions and thoughts tore at him, what if he really couldn’t save Dean?  Well, if he couldn’t save his brother, there was at least a little revenge.  He sighed and raised the gun swiftly, shooting the demon between the eyes.  Sam watched calmly as her body hit the ground with a thump.

Sam walked back to the car and folded himself into the driver’s seat.  He looked across the seat to Ruby and said, “Ok, I’m in.  What do I have to do to save my brother?”

Chapter 5

Master Post

angst, wincest, top!sam, bottom!dean, worth it

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