Deconstruction of a Hero

Dec 24, 2008 23:36

Title: Deconstruction of a Hero (1 of 1)
Author: Deanish
Rating: PG ... with a couple of lower-level swear words
Length: 9,500 words
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam, minor appearances by John
Summary: This is july_july_july's Sweet Charity story (and she was *very* charitable in, first, buying me to begin with, and, second, letting me get away with being almost ( Read more... )

stories, deconstruction of a hero

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Comments 24

callistosh65 December 25 2008, 21:16:00 UTC
Spent a month in Texas about 4 years ago, so I just hugged all the info to my chest with glee. I thought you caught a young Sammy here brilliantly, everything filtered through his age and mindset - his reactions to the horses, to the whole issue of Dean's fear, to the nature of danger - it all rang so true. And history buff Sammy was a delight:)))
Thank you, this was massively entertaining.


deanish_ness December 28 2008, 21:56:03 UTC
Oh, I'm glad that came across. I've never really tried to write pre-series before, so I wasn't sure how it would come out.
I'm glad you enjoyed!
(And I'm sorry you only stayed for a month. How sad!)


taxidryer December 26 2008, 01:07:48 UTC
Well, that's just adorable. Very endearing and fun to read.

It was actually a paraphrase of something Davey Crockett said in 1835 during his campaign for a seat in Tennessee’s congress. Sam knew that because he liked to study up on a state before he moved there. Dean didn’t, normally, so Sam wasn’t sure if he knew that he was paraphrasing a Davey Crockett quote or not.
*g* I'm now taking the idea of Sam doing research on the States they were moving to as fanon.

Also, the Texas love you show in there is kind of contagious.


deanish_ness December 28 2008, 21:58:05 UTC
Love to spread the Texas love!
And I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


innie_darling December 26 2008, 02:35:43 UTC
This was fantastic - the way both boys think of heroism, and the small details like Sam's first-day outfit and John's weird flashes of humor.


deanish_ness December 28 2008, 21:58:47 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


heidi8 December 26 2008, 12:25:09 UTC
I felt miserably ill last night and read this while huddled under covers sipping juice. I almost didnt't start reading because of the length - I was so tired - but I am fantastically glad that I did because this fic was phenomenally brilliant and wonderfully done. Amazing use of PoV, history canon and everything!


deanish_ness December 28 2008, 21:59:55 UTC
Aw! I hope you feel better! Sorry to have kept you up, but so glad you decided to read -- and even more glad that you enjoyed it. What nice things to say!


katriel1987 December 29 2008, 19:14:29 UTC
deanish_ness December 30 2008, 07:39:00 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! (And I'm *always* thrilled to find another Texas fangirl. I mean, this is where we grow boys like Jensen and Jared. Why would anyone want to live anywhere else?)


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