Title: Second Verse, Same As the First
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (television show, not books)
Characters: Elena Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore
Pairings: Elena/Stefan, Elena/Damon
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Nothing specifically
Summary: Two thoughts for two brothers
Disclaimer: I own a t-shirt, and some DVDs, but that's it.
A/N: This is a
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Comments 13
She's so reliant on Stefan right now. And I don't think that Damon would do well without his brother.
Really well done. :D
Elena does need Stefan very much right now, and he her, and I honestly can't see one brother without the other.
Thanks very much for your wonderful comment. :)
Elena, Stefan and Damon have one of the most interesting dynamics I've seen or read so far. You know there is this 'thing' between them. He calls it love and she seems to have no idea what to call it. I think you caught that perfectly in this story!
Their dynamic is interesting. And you said it perfectly, He calls it love and she seems to have no idea what to call it. I'm scared though, that the dynamic among the three of them is gonna fall apart. :( Here's hoping that everybody comes out all right in the end!
And thank you for your wonderful, happy-making comment. :)
Glad I could give you a happy ;)
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