All I Want For Christmas..

Dec 27, 2007 19:41

i got!!!!
in a week or so i will be the proud owner of a vestax handy trax, aka this:

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denver, commodity fetishism, david tenet is god, holy moly the consumerism, vinyl!, jane-a-palooza, jane, torrents, dr who, new years eve, david, thrift store shopping, christmas

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Comments 3

yandee16 December 28 2007, 04:03:49 UTC
Haha, I just started season 3 of Dr. Who; I'm so behind @_@

I thought you had an iBook or whatever? Doesn't it torrent? Also, you could totally use dad's computer, and I'll bet he'd never even notice the torrent software.


jiggityjane December 28 2007, 13:49:56 UTC
well hello to you too! hopefully we can rustle up some plans so you can be partying with us (in some form or another) right off the tarmac.


papergreen December 29 2007, 19:48:20 UTC
glad i could be a good influence!


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