Memories from Western Air Temple
Chapter Title: Fire’s Legacy
Characters: Jeong Jeong, Iroh, Zuko, Aang
Arc: Legacy Arc
Setting: after
Different Kinds of Healing, before
Essence of FireRating: T
Warnings: Jeong Jeong’s a jerk
Summary: Truly, firebending was a curse upon the world, and this grotesque abomination only served to prove it.
The Story )
Comments 6
Aang is a good student, I think. I can see him grasping new concepts easily once he's been introduced to a way of thinking. Once Aang started to think of firebending as having something good about it, he also started to see new dimensions to what those good things are.
Aang and Sokka think about the world a lot. Aang does so rather obviously, but Sokka in a more covert manner. But I think Sokka has a bit of a philosopher in him, as I can't help but think that sarcasm of that level has to have a philosophical mind behind it. XD
Zuko and Aang are a match made in heaven, I'm sure Iroh agrees. <3
And in a broader sense, and entire nation and culture formed around the art of firebending.
but mostly his man
that's right B)
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