Title: Rolling Stone Exclusive: Kris, Katy and Adam: A Match Made in Heaven?
Pairing/Characters: Adam/Kris/Katy (no sex)
Wordcount: ~1,000
Disclaimer: Rolling Stone never wrote this article. The people mentioned belong only to themselves and each other.
Summary: Kris Allen, Adam Lambert, and Katy Allen talk to Rolling Stone about their arrangement.
Most American Idol fans - hell, most people who don't live under rocks - know that Adam, the most anticipated non-winner from Idol perhaps ever, is gay. And if they actually read the famous interview right here in Rolling Stone they know that Kris Allen fits right in with his fantasy material. )
Comments 44
I might very well write more with this OT3, though!
I loved your magazine idea. It's new, refreshing;Loved it. I really felt like I was reading an article, but at the same time the it felt like a lovely story. I adored this.
And using Rolling Stone was totally appropriate. It makes sense in so many levels.
This is one of my favorite kradamaty fics, EBERRR <3
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