
May 12, 2006 11:58

I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!! I checked my grade for my research paper just a few minutes ago and it was a 95!!!! THAT IS AN A!!! YAHOO! I thought it was a rather lame paper, but HEY!!!! I was expecting a b- or something....*hypervenilates* *takes deep breath*.....ok so had to share that!! Oh,a nd my final grade for the class was a B....*satisfied ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

grace_lyn May 12 2006, 21:52:36 UTC
YAYAY!!! *claps and whistles* I'm so proud of you, Tigga! That's so great!

*thinks* Shall we celebrate? Break out the root beer floats!!! =D *grin*


dannysgirl02 May 12 2006, 22:33:38 UTC
THANKS!! ROOTBEER FLOATS ARE A MUST!!!!! You made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you posted the comment:D I love you so much!!


snowdrop_89 May 13 2006, 01:05:10 UTC
Sweet!! I am proud of ya. Isn't it nice when you think something is lame and it turns out to be Great!! Now you can coach me with English this coming year:) love ya Tilly gal


dannysgirl02 May 13 2006, 01:42:15 UTC
COACH YOU? Geez! thanks!! we will see:D hehe!

And i heard you went to get your license!!! welllll???
love, -bex-


Congrats! lurkingnolonger May 13 2006, 11:53:25 UTC
I'm so proud of you and thrilled!!! I well know the feeling of thinking something is going to get a terrible grade - that's the way I felt about my last project that I turned in - but I made a 95 on it! Way to go, girl!!!


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