
Jun 23, 2003 18:14

Hey y'all!

I'm Danielle White, you may have seen me on American Juniors. I am one the 5 finalists from last week.

I see a few of my friends are here. Hey Katelyn, Chantel, and Canyon! :-*

Well, yeah..I guess that's about it. If you'd like to know anymore, just ask me.

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Comments 10

katelyn_tarver June 23 2003, 16:06:53 UTC
Hey Danielle! =D Are you going to be at the show tomorrow?


danielle_white June 23 2003, 16:27:42 UTC
Hey Katelyn! ;D Most likely. I'm guessing you're going to be there too?


katelyn_tarver June 23 2003, 16:31:33 UTC
Yep! *smiles*

By the way, Tori, Taylor, and Lucy also all have journals on here too!


canyon_grove June 23 2003, 16:47:35 UTC
Hey Danielle, welcome around! :)


danielle_white June 23 2003, 17:27:15 UTC
Thanks Canyon! Good luck tomorrow, I'll be rooting for you! :)


junkie July 4 2003, 10:23:30 UTC
I always hated you :*(
<3the trash


lucy_hale June 23 2003, 19:45:02 UTC
Ugh, I should be on that list, we practiced together! lol

Hey Danielle


j_l_spears June 24 2003, 03:41:03 UTC
hey danielle, welcome!


taylor_t June 25 2003, 15:25:31 UTC
Hey Danielle


junkie July 4 2003, 10:13:38 UTC
I'm in LOVE with your sister. Look at my journal. Her face is plastered on my journal. SO HOT for a nine year old.
Much love ;)!


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