When the intercom finished another deliberately vague note, Lana was already standing at her door, flashlight in hand and scalpel securely in her coat pocket. She'd neglected to find out exactly how the doors worked at night, but the general idea was clear. Some time soon, they would open, and she had to be ready the moment they did
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Damnit, it was like when Kaito had magically kicked the shit out of her and they'd escaped with the caravan. Or that's what Dominikov had told her. She'd been blissfully unconscious for most of it.
In answer to the question, "Yeah... I guess I never noticed how cold it gets at night." It was a feeble attempt at a joke; they usually didn't get the chance to get cold when they stayed in.
The cover was finally grabbed and pulled haphazardly over them both. "And, yeah, it does get a little cold," Falis said, brushing her lips across her girlfriend's.
She kissed Falis back, then snuggled against her again. The extra warmth helped; maybe they could just fall asleep together.
A true statement. Yes, Falis had other reasons, ones Hokuto was smart enough to pick up on, but she did want to know what monster hurt the girl.
There's a field trip tomorrow, isn't there? Great, just when she could barely walk... her legs were fine, she was just weak, so hopefully she'd be up to moving under her own power again.
"Ok. I think I know Kratos from a bit back." Falis closed her eyes. "Fuck it, pretty girl. I ain't moving so you're stuck here with me. No fucking blaming me if I fall asleep."
I hope I get an outfit I like tomorrow.
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