I can't wait for AWE to come out next month! Sometimes it's kind of hard to believe that Pirates become a trilogy. I mean, I remember way back when the second movie was only a rumor and there was uncertainty as to whether or not there would even be a sequel. Personally, I was not too fond of Dead Man's Chest, but that was because of the Jack/
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Comments 6
Is anyone else mad that they've shown almost nothing of Tia! I mean, she's not even listed in the credits of the clips! Hopefully, we'll see more of her as the new clips keep coming out.
Well, you know, up until the last 2-3 weeks, we Will fans have gotten pretty much bupkus out of the promos and clips too. In fact, I'd venture that there's been as much Tia stuff as there's been Will stuff up until now - maybe more. I have a hypothesis why this is, for both of them: I think each has something so ... BIG, happen to them in the movie at some point(s) that not much can be shown without giving away spoilers. (And there's been one spoiler already on the trailer, of Will - if you blink, you miss it.)
Personally, I was not too fond of Dead Man's Chest, but that was because of the Jack/Elizabeth thing going on, it just didn't work for me.
But I'm more optimistic going into AWE because we all know that Elizabeth and Will are going to be together, so there's ( ... )
You're probably right about the small coverage of both Tia and Will; clearly they are going to be key players to the plot.
Yeah, those J/E shippers have nothing but disappointment coming their way.
I assume you know that ref_1985 has posted "Debt" and "Accord" in this community, and I just love them! I have never been a slash person and I never thought I would be a threesome person, but TurroDalma is just too damn sexy. I've actually been waiting for the next TurroDalma fanfic; are they ever going get to Tia?! Hee hee, can't wait!
Thanks so much for joining dalmafan and yes, I would love to be affiliated with turningpirate. So there really are a lot of Will fans who are fans of Tia as well? That's pretty cool.
I do have one other TurroDalma fic, but it's PG-13 - it's set prior to those two stories. It's here. And no, I didn't know they'd been crossposted, but I love free advertising! *G*
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