Do you have any good skills? girls only like guys with good skills.

Apr 17, 2006 19:09

So... there are people coming tomorrow to look at the room. I am trying to think of a suitable screening process. So far the best idea was to have them come all at the same time, then usher them into the living room where they will find a rack of medieval weaponry: tridents, nets, maces, daggers, etc. Then a fight to the death naturally ensues, ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

ex_tachikoma650 April 17 2006, 11:06:06 UTC
Huh, what? Who's moving room in what where?

You would be surprised as to the degree to which I am enamoured of the game show idea. I think it would be fucking brilliant to whittle your applicants down to three people, and then have them answer questions in the style of Perfect Match.


lueders_she April 18 2006, 07:31:31 UTC
i'm moving out. TO ICELAND. want my room?


ex_tachikoma650 April 18 2006, 23:59:12 UTC
That is SAD. And I would love it because you have a rad joint and rad housemates if only you had adsl and I didn't have so much freaking furniture.


dagwood_dog April 17 2006, 14:21:55 UTC
Musical eh.. sounds like a lot of preparation.. dont know if i could even be bothered getting my socks off the floor. I'll just conduct the interviews through the mail slot. "yesiree, the rooms in here! its real tidy too. can't let you in though, you might get it dirty."


lueders_she April 18 2006, 00:51:41 UTC
awww this all reminds me of how much preparation i put into your interview.

i was lying on the couch (so i could hear the door) half drunk/half hungover with blood dripping out of my nose from too much cheap speed. i had to clean the house in 10 second increments so as not to throw up everywhere.

(PS you have to click on "reply to this" not "post a new comment" in order for the person to get your response)


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