knit hats and 5 months

Sep 14, 2008 11:21

nathaniel is 5 months old today. it really is crazy how time passes. i have enjoyed the hints of cooler weather and the promise of being able too dress him up in hand knits. i can't say i love being up for feedings in the chilly night air, though! i think i will like it more when it's colder - enough to warrant fires in the fireplace to keep us ( Read more... )

nathaniel, finished objects, knitting

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Comments 8

supurrkitten September 14 2008, 17:06:44 UTC
could you cut paste the info about the hat to your journal?
Or as a comment to me. I love it and I can't get on the site


dabblersupreme September 24 2008, 02:09:34 UTC
hrmmmm, i never saw this comment until now. sorry to be so late in replying, but here's the copy & paste action:
this hat is my stab at reverse-engineering a hat nathaniel received as a gift that i loved so much i wanted to make one in a larger size.
i used various scraps of worsted-ish weight yarn.
CO 80 sts. 2x2 ribbing on size 7 needles. rib for 1.5 - 2 inches. went up to size 8 for the stockinette/reverse stockinette portion.
transition between bubbles = 1 row of stockinette in 1st color, then 1 row of stockinette in next color
bubbles = 3 rows of reverse stockinette.
for top decreases, divide total # of stitches by 6, decrease (ssk) every row.
for bigger hat, i CO 102 stitches and did 3x3 ribbing.

let me know if you have any questions!


graceful_j September 15 2008, 02:30:39 UTC
Cute pix. Love the shirt! And great hats! How time flies; we'll be needing to put warm hats on 'em soon.


dabblersupreme September 24 2008, 02:10:14 UTC
i know, it will be so fun to bundle them up!


jenniferblaufra September 24 2008, 01:51:07 UTC
I think I recognize some of those yarns! Love the hats, and Nathaniel just gets cuter all the time. :)


dabblersupreme September 24 2008, 02:07:41 UTC
yes, the middle strip of his hat is from the handspun you sent me that turned into the scarflette! and the fuzzy pink yarn was a gift from you, too :)

he is at a really fun age because he smiles and interacts. there really is something heartmelting about a baby smiling at you.


feroluce September 25 2008, 17:28:03 UTC
ya know, i dissapear for a few months and you churn out not only some seriously cute hand-knits, but a gorgeous baby too!

I went back and read nathaniel's story from april and i must say... i'm so glad to look back on that story now and know that everyone's happy and healthy and it all turned out alright. my family's been through a few NICU dramas too, and i know how nerve wracking it can be.

your boy, by the way, is one of the best dressed babies i've ever seen. i particularly loved the black tie onesie. i may have to borrow that idea for a gift for a friend!


dabblersupreme September 27 2008, 15:30:24 UTC
hey :) yes, it's nuts how much has changed from april to now. you've found us in a much better place than when things were so new & tenuous.

i must say that dressing baby is fun! i'm considering adding shirtcuffs to the onesie, to make the sleeves longer, but my sewing skills are rather rudimentary. hrmmmm. no sweat about borrowing the idea, as i borrowed it, myself!


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