craftiness: screenprinting & a card

Mar 02, 2008 12:56

as you can see, i am doing a little photo catch-up today.

those of you who have been on my f-list a while will find this card familiar. my newest craft gadget is the corner rounder punch. so simple, but i am a little obsessed.

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crafts, photos, mail art, screenprinting

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Comments 2

feroluce March 4 2008, 05:57:03 UTC
holy cow that hedgehog is fantastic. heck, i think that would look pretty fantastic on a grown-up shirt too ;)

when my aunt was nursing, a friend of hers screenprinted creamer pitchers strategically on the front of a t-shirt. my mom had a shirt that said "alice's restaurant" across the chest. (yeah, i'm alice, she breast-fed, it's adorable haha.) suppose my family has a bit of a tradition with fun DIY clothing for new moms. i love what you're doing for your little one!


dabblersupreme March 4 2008, 13:22:13 UTC
hee, thanks! yeah, the screenprinting images are not limited to kiddy clothes at all. hell, *i* like hedgehogs & mushrooms, and i'm just hoping the munchkin will, too.

i LOVE the alice's retaurant shirt story! too perfect!


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