The truth is sometimes nowhere near The Middle

Apr 25, 2009 02:27

I've often heard the saying "the truth is in the middle" when discussing heated political issues. The saying can be true when factions on either side make equally hyperbolic remarks, trying to sway the undecided into their camp. However, just because an issue has been politicized it doesn't mean that one side isn't more right than the other. In ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

ratatosksv April 25 2009, 13:20:13 UTC
Along the same lines, even when the truth is in the middle, if one extreme succeeds in portraying the middle, or a less extreme view on the other side as "extreme," then that can cause a shift in perception as well.


cychan April 25 2009, 22:49:49 UTC
That's a good point. Name-calling environmental activists "crazy tree huggers" has probably undermined the credibility of the green movement to some extent.


fusiawol April 13 2011, 22:47:28 UTC
Plain and simple! I like your work!


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