the onion is cool, tok is boring

Feb 26, 2004 09:37

"Amy thinks she's Big Miss Important," DeGrassio said Monday. "She's behaving like a total priss. It's like, 'Ooh, look at me! I'm pregnant! I'm gonna have a baby!' Hey, calm down. People have babies all the time."

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Comments 4

max85 February 26 2004, 09:39:42 UTC
you are so foonnnyyyy


cwazylauren February 26 2004, 09:48:04 UTC
thanks max. youre a pal.


kwindolyn February 26 2004, 14:06:52 UTC
tru dat. tok is so boring. you coulda be eating food w/ me and colleen insteady of looking at the onion.


leopardiscoolio February 26 2004, 15:01:28 UTC
I am confused


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