BAG- Ch 5

Jun 20, 2010 21:45

Chapter 05: Sex with Lee Taemin.
By: cutterpillow92

Taemin sucked in a lungful air and released it irritated. He hated it when Onew is being stupid. "I am the magnae that they are talking about! I own that bag! I own those pornographic materials!!" Taemin raised his voice again. He was gasping for air. Onew blinked his eyes, twice. He could not comprehend the sudden confession. His jaw dropped down, leaving his mouth open. "Happy now? GEEZ." He tightens his grip on his blanket and gives his hyung a fiercely piercing stare.

"Taemin... you were sleeping all these time... from four in the afternoon up to now before I went inside here to check you... and the last show we watch was the world cup... so what show are you talking about? You must be dreaming and joking?" Taemin stared blankly at him. Then a sly smile form around Onew's lips. "Perhaps... you are not joking." He laughed aloud at Taemin's blank reaction.

His breathing was altering faster. He closed his eyes and do some breathing exercise composing his self before he could kill Onew and his annoying laugh.

Once he opened his eyes, he immediately kicked Onew who landed flat on his butt. Instead of whining because of the pain, he was still laughing. And it’s making Taemin crazier. Onew stood up and went closer to the door, exiting his way.

"Onew..." The word 'hyung' had gone missing again. "I'm warning you, if that secret of mine got spill, I will cut your throat until SM will find a new leader for this band... Or Jonghyun hyung would take your place!"

"Don’t worry my perv dongsaeng. Your secret is safe with me."

Then the door slammed against its sill. He started kicking on his bed. "I HATE THIS WORLD!! I HATE YOU ONEW! I HATE YOU LEE JINKI! I HATE YOUUUUUUUU!!!!! DIE!!! YOU CLUMSY DUBU!!!"


Ji Hyun yawned as she walks on the street going to her school. She had no place to sleep last night so she was force to sleep on a sauna place. She told Yui about her current situation, her friend offer her place but it was Ji Hyun who rejected the favor. She doesn’t want to be a burden to her.

With close eyes, she started rotating her shoulders, exercising it until her phone vibrated inside her jacket. She plucked it out and answer without looking at the caller id.


"Uhmmm.... is this Kim Ji Hyun-ssi?"

"Yes, who's this?"

"Taemin. Lee Taemin." Her heart started to pound very fast. She was indeed thrilled. She could feel her cheeks blushing red.

Oh my god. She thought. She cannot help but to smile.


"Ugh... I just want to apologize on the other day, where I hanged up on your call... so to make up for it, do you have a time? Perhaps we could talk. And discussed why you had called me."

Did she heard it correct? She bit her lips. She could feel her ears flying. "I have a class today."

"Good! I will fetch you later. Just message me the complete address of your school."

Ji Hyun felt dizzy. Her world is spinning around. Oh my god. Lee Taemin wants to see... me... and he's going to fetch me later? Oh my god. Oh my god. "oh-kay." She said unsurely, pretending to be serious.

"Thank you Ji Hyun-ssi. See you later. Take care."

Ji Hyun stood frozen in the middle of street. Still amused with the phone call she had received from one of her favorite SHINee member.


'The subject had lured the bait.' Taemin thought, finally he could breathe normally. Once he and Ji Hyun would meet later, he will surely settle it with whatever favors she will say. He raised his two arms upward-feeling the victory.

He clicked his tongue and smile at the mirror, "Lee Taemin you're so smart."


Taemin leaned on the rocky wall cement behind him. He was waiting outside her campus. Some of the passersby who know him started to whisper with each other. Some of them, smiles at him and he was generous enough to smile back.

Ji Hyun held the strap of her backpack and exhales loudly before turning right where Lee Taemin is standing. 'This is it Kim Ji Hyun! Fighting!'

She took some pace turning right then their gazes met. They both bow to each other, awkwardly.

"Annyeong, Ji Hyun-ssi."

"Hello... So... where are we going?" She asked as they walked side by side like a two high students having their first date.

"Do you want to eat?"

Ji Hyun wanted to decline the offer, but she remembered that she had not eaten anything since last night. Hiding the eagerness and excitement on her face, she lowers her head and nodded.


All throughout the dinner, Ji Hyun and Taemin are both silent. Until Lee Taemin broke the stiff silence.

"Ji hyun-ssi... uhmm... I want to apologize for my rude actions that I had done lately."

"It's okay Taemin-ssi."

"I forgot what I told you and your friend that night, that if you guys needed my help, just contact me... and maybe that’s the reason why you called, am I right Ji Hyun-ssi?"

She looked away. Indeed Lee Taemin is correct. "Uhm... can I..."

He showed her his five fingers, signaling her to stop. And she did. "Ji Hyun-ssi before you could say your favor, can I ask mine first?" Ji Hyun looked at him with big round eyes. "Actually, the reason why I met you because I’ve dreamt of you."

She blushed, and thought, ‘so Taemin likes me? KYAAAA~’

"...and your friend. I’ve dreamt of you guys telling my secret in the national broadcast!"

’ Okay, shut up Ji Hyun, he’s not interested’

"EH!" She squeaked. "We would never do such thing! Of course, we know your popularity and standing in the music industry!"

Taemin wraps his hands around Ji Hyun's. While Ji Hyun's heart started to throb unconditionally. It could explode any minute now. Under the table, Ji Hyun's feet were dancing freely.

‘This is the best day everrrrr!!!’

"Thank you Ji Hyun-ssi. I know you'll be a good friend."

’ Chingu? Rdfnsdkjkn’ Ji Hyun mumbled in delight.

"So... what can I do for you that you cannot do for me?" Taemin inquired. It brought back Ji Hyun to reality. She pulled out her hands from his and cupped it on her face.

"Well... It is a matter of life and death... But first, I want you to assure me that you will approve of anything I say."

"Okay... I'll approve of anything you need... Just keep my secret a secret... and don’t you dare mention it... Besides, it's not like we're going to have sex right now." Taemin joked. He laughed at his own joked. At the same time, he did not intend to say that. It just spill from his not so innocent mouth. He covered his mouth and looked away; feeling embarrassed because of his noisy mouth had spoken.

Ji Hyun stared at him, disgusted. ’Absolutely, Lee Taemin owns that bag.’

"I apologize for my rudeness again." He said before taking a zip from his shake. "Okay... go on Ji Hyun-ssi... continue."

"As I was saying... the apartment that I had stayed for the longest time had kicked me out since I always pay late... so I was wondering, can I stay at your place? At your dorm... Please????"

Taemin choked and started wiping his mouth. "Err... did I hear you correctly? You... Ji Hyun-ssi, wanted to stay at our place?"

"Yes... Well you said, you'll approve of any request I will asked. So I'm telling you right now, that I need a place to stay and it’s in your dorm."

"Ehh... It's a share house between me and band mates... what should I say about you staying with us?"

"Well it’s your problem. I promised to keep your secret and now it’s your turn to resolve that... if you cannot keep a simple promise, then I shall forget everything I said as well."

Taemin zipped his mouth, this wasn't the 'thing' he anticipated when he plan the perfect bait. He watches as Ji Hyun stood up in front of him. "Lee Taemin!!!!" She yelled. Everybody's attention is now focused on her.

Alarmed, Taemin pulled her forearm but she shoved his hands away from her. "... This guy sitting in front of me is a habit collector of---"

Taemin jumped off the table and hastily cover her mouth. The other customer shook their heads at the silly actions of these two. Taemin bowed at everybody, with his right arm still wrapped around Ji Hyun's head and his palm glued on Ji Hyun's lips.

He sat beside her and released her. Ji Hyun glared at him, feigning her anger. But deep inside, nothing can compare the happiness she felt right now, having Lee Taemin this close to her. Any girl would like to take her place.

"FINE. FINE. You can stay at our place, leave everything to me. Just promised.... You must promise that you will never ever blackmail me like this... and the secret shall be buried now. It should be forgotten like the history. Understand?"

"Araso... So can we go home right now? At your place?" Ji Hyun grinned at him. Taemin sighs and stood up.


Onew’s phone rang. It was a call from Taemin. He laugh sarcastically, he pressed the answer button. "Oh. What do you want my dongsaeng?"

"Hyung, I need your help. I badly need your help."

Taemin's voice was different. Partially, it got Onew worried. "Okay, where are you now?"

"We're outside the dorm. Come here. Palli!"

"We? So you’re with someone right now?"

"Yes. FASTER! Go downstairs! Now!"


Onew run downstairs really fast. He did not care whether his natural born clumsiness will occur. And he was not thinking of it right now, his voice was pre occupied with Taemin's weird voice. He dash outside and he saw two people standing quite far from the entrance.

Onew stop running and this time he was gasping for air. "She... Who is she?" He managed to ask despite of his panting.

"This is Ji Hyun... Kim Ji Hyun." Taemin walked closer to his hyung and whisper, "unfortunately she was the first person whom had known my secret."

"Are you insane? Why did you tell her?!" he hissed. Ji Hyun was smiling in the image in front of her. She was amazed because Lee Jinki is in front of her right now.

'Earlier, I had a date with Lee Taemin and now, I can see Onew in front of me. omigosh. This is so heaven.'

"I did not tell her! She found out!"

"What should we do now?" Onew asked the magnae. He pulled him to the other side and the two of them had a good talk.

"Well, I told her that I will do anything she wanted me to..."

"What did she say?"

"She said, she needs a place to stay in because her landlord had kicked her out. And she wants stay at our dorm."

"WHAAAAAT???!!! LEE TAEMIN!!! Are you out of your mind?!"

"No!! I'm still in my senses... but... but..." His voice started to croaked. He lowers his head, ready to burst in tears. Even if Onew is irritated, hearing his band mates in tears made his anger vanishes.

"Okay... stop crying... she can stay at our place."

Oh boy, the power of cry.

Ji Hyun had heard what Onew said, a smirked creep on her face. Taemin on the other hand, smiled as well. Finally, I'm safe now, his brain screamed.

The two boys walked over to Ji Hyun, closing the gap. "Good evening. Your name is Kim Ji Hyun right? By the way, my name is Lee Jinki, or you can call me Onew." He extended his arms forward reaching hers, and the two shook each other’s palms.

"Come on, let’s go inside."


"We're home!!!" Taemin yelled. His hyungs were busy doing their personal matters.

Jonghyun is playing with the PSP, Key is cooking dinner and Minho.... Minho is reading a girl magazine? (Which Jonghyun had notice and had been telling Key ever since he brought out the magazine and started reading it.)

Jonghyun looked at the door and was quite surprised to see a girl visitor in their dorm.

"Who is she?" Rudeness, yes. That's the perfect word to describe, bling bling or Kim Jonghyun.

Jonghyun + smug = perfect combination.

Everybody’s eyes were focused on Onew, Ji Hyun and Taemin who is now standing in the main door.

Ji Hyun looked at Taemin who looked at his hyung, Onew.

Onew wrapped his arms around Ji Hyun and glued his cheeks closer to her. Her chest started to thump double time. "This is my sister, Ji Hyun."

s: boys and girls

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