
Sep 28, 2010 09:16

Here's what I liked and didn't like about last night's episode.  I actually went to a performance by a friend who's a female drag queen (no lie) called Mistress B, and it was fucking hilarious.  She is over six feet tall, terrifying (a dominatrix)  who makes obscene balloons!  So I didn't watch  "Selfish" until this AM.

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season 7, huddy, house md, house's leg, wilson

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Comments 6

bitsofchat September 28 2010, 17:01:22 UTC
The Huddy new found relationship should mean for work House should shave, wear a jacket, tie and lab coat. Cuddy should stop wearing low cut blouses and tight skirts. I know that won't happen but hey she's the administrator of a top notch hospital and he's the best diagnostic doctor in the world. They can't act and dress like teenagers in love. LOL.

Chase was getting chew toys from 4 girlfriends. Foreman was just happy for Huddy. He and Chase did call Huddy turning their one bed scene about the POTW.

BTW Sounds like you have some great entertainment in your city..


karaokegal September 28 2010, 18:03:01 UTC
I've been so disappointed by the show that I'm now settling for House-lite because it's still an improvement on WHAT THE FUCKETY FUCK WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE???


chocolate_frapp September 28 2010, 20:46:48 UTC
i think Taub was a prick telling skater girl that she was doing "boy stuff". as I've said, the skater dudes I know would love to have a girlfriend who skated. always happy to see more Hugh skin, though the supposed crotch grabbing looked more like she had her hand on his belly.


accentsarehot September 29 2010, 14:36:00 UTC
Taub's mockery of Huddy was awesome.


fleurione September 30 2010, 00:12:22 UTC
I liked it a lot actually. I thought I wouldn't but I really liked their questioning of what happens now at work? What if we can't handle it? That it's not all perfect is good, because it wouldn't be - and that it's not completely resolved too, that's my bit of hope for it failing in the end ;) I actually thought we got a glimpse a few times of House/Cuddy interplay back in the early seasons when she was telling him no he can't do things, but says it with a smirk and flirtation.. I liked it, surprisingly ( ... )


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