Good God, Another Update!

May 10, 2022 15:23

I honestly haven't been able to deal with either LJ or DW these past weeks. The amount of stuff I would have to read is intimidating. Nonetheless, I backread all of the way to my LJ ( Read more... )

covid-19, real life, travel, personal

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Comments 9

jessm78 May 10 2022, 19:53:52 UTC
Oh noes, COVID?? I hope it didn't hit you too hard! I'm still not sure if I've ever had it. Had an antibodies test back in June 2020 that was negative... have had the vaccine and the one booster since then. In March I felt pretty icky for about 5 days or so with a post-nasal drip that seemed almost to be going into a sinus infection, but it cleared up. Could have just been allergies (the tree pollen has been pretty bad the past couple of months) but I didn't take a covid test so who knows.

Good luck to Jeff on his retirement!


cuddyclothes May 17 2022, 23:14:46 UTC
Thanks! I will pass your good wishes along!

I'm still recovering. I was sick right after the trip, perhaps on the trip, I'm not sure.


jessm78 May 17 2022, 23:24:34 UTC
You're welcome! And thanks, I appreciate it!

Oh, man. I hope you're back to 100% soon. One of my friends came down with it right around Christmas. She was still affected by the symptoms (mainly a lot of fatigue) in mid-January. She's younger than me -mid/late 30s, though she was never vaccinated.


supernutjapan May 11 2022, 14:02:23 UTC
Wait, how long was this trip? Did you get COVID after you got back? Yay for the 19 pounds off!


cuddyclothes May 17 2022, 23:13:50 UTC
At some point I'll write more about it. I took a bunch of photos but there's a problem uploading them to my PC. I'm still not 100% but better.


chocolate_frapp May 11 2022, 21:55:28 UTC
I want to use some of my stimulus $$$$ to take some kind of trip but I decided to wait until things get better riskwise and you've just convinced me I'm doing the right thing.


cuddyclothes May 17 2022, 23:13:02 UTC
That's a wise decision.


ride_4ever May 15 2022, 02:12:46 UTC
I've been rubbish lately at leaving comments...but want you to know I'm thinking about you and hope you'll feel all well soon.


cuddyclothes May 17 2022, 23:12:46 UTC
Thanks, that is so sweet!


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