The Republican Debate...UGH

Mar 04, 2016 12:54

Last night, Donald Trump kicked off the debate by bragging about his penis size.

The man is still leading.

I want a divorce from America.

what is wrong with people, cannot unsee, wtf

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Comments 18

dizzojay March 4 2016, 20:55:21 UTC
Come and live in the UK. We're not perfect, but we'd be glad to have you!


srsly_yes March 4 2016, 21:04:56 UTC
There are no words...


manzanita_crow March 4 2016, 21:46:32 UTC

Yeah our gov here in UK sucks and they can be really childish, but still. Not Trump


flywoman March 4 2016, 23:07:17 UTC
If the UK would let me live there, I would.


ash48 March 5 2016, 07:04:23 UTC
It's pure insanity. The more outrageous he is, the more he is "loved" it would seem. Appalling.


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