SPN Fic: Appointment In Savannah, Part Two

Feb 05, 2013 15:33

Genre: gen
Word Count: 1246
Rating: PG for language
Characters: Dean, OC
Disclaimers: Don't do 'em
Summary: Dean doesn't like Sam's latest secret

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dean, silliness, rating: pg-13, genre: angst, fanfic

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Comments 11

candygramme February 5 2013, 21:03:17 UTC
I could always get chicks, but man, all I wanted to was to hang out with a bunch of guys, smoke pot, play chess, learn to play the tuba. It’s a highly underappreciated instrument!

Awww... Dean. I may have shed a tear when I heard about Squiggy. Keep on writing about these sessions, please. They're brilliant!


cuddyclothes February 6 2013, 00:08:26 UTC
Thank you! Although I don't think I have much else to say.


megumiogata_1 February 5 2013, 21:22:38 UTC
Lol! This is hilarious ! Love it!


cuddyclothes February 6 2013, 00:08:41 UTC
Thank you!


etoile_etiolee February 5 2013, 22:34:03 UTC
This was hilarious! All of it. The stuffed pinguin and the chess club and the pajamas... Yeah, you should totally keep a chronicle of Sam and Dean's therapy sessions.


tcs1121 February 5 2013, 23:52:57 UTC
Yes. The tuba is a highly under appreciated musical instrument.


Altho' I pictured Dean as more of a bassoon kind of guy. Or the glockenspiel.)

(And I'm a Nick Danger, Third Eye kind of Firesign girl)


cuddyclothes February 5 2013, 23:59:35 UTC
(And I'm a Nick Danger, Third Eye kind of Firesign girl)

All those curves under that flimsy burnoose..


sameuspegasus February 6 2013, 01:38:28 UTC
I love that Dean wanted to be in the chess club. He'd be good at it, too. Also, I love that he had a penguin. Not a bear or a dog, a penguin.


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