[FanFic] Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme (Chapter Five)

Apr 30, 2011 22:09

Title: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme (Chapter Five)
Status: WIP in collaboration with cacell
Word Count: 1785
Rating: PG-13 (subject to change)
Genre: Romance/Adventure/Drama/Angst
Characters/Pairings: Quinn, Jesse, Finn, Blaine, Wes, Karofsky, Kurt, Nick, Jeff; Fuinn (in this chapter); Klaine in future chapters
Summary: Prince Kurt has found ( Read more... )

character: quinn, au, character: blaine, character: puck, genre: romance, character: burt, pairing: fuinn, pairing: klaine, fandom: glee, character: karofsky, character: jeff, character: brittany, character: mercedes, rating: pg-13, genre: adventure, character: finn, fanfic, character: santana, character: lauren, character: rachel, genre: angst, pairing: pucktana, character: kurt, pairing: quick, genre: drama, character: carole, pairing: finchel, pairing: brittana, character: oc, character: nick

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Comments 17

cacell May 1 2011, 02:14:44 UTC
Oh how I love Jeff and Nick and their friendship with Blaine <3<3


crystallicrain May 1 2011, 03:04:22 UTC
That's because Jeff and Nick are amazing. <3 :D


nire135 May 1 2011, 02:47:06 UTC
LOL! The dog is Wes.


crystallicrain May 1 2011, 03:04:50 UTC
That's totally one of my favourite parts, haha.


amordemealma May 1 2011, 02:49:35 UTC
ooh! a new chapter!

Loved that you turned Wesley into a dog. Ha! amazing!

and oh, that one little moment between Kurt and Blaine where Kurt thanks him...<3


crystallicrain May 1 2011, 03:09:17 UTC
Thanks! x3 Wes is a dog that likes order. ;D

If you liked that moment, just wait until the Klaine moments next chapter... ;D *is such a tease*


angelicmousegrl May 1 2011, 02:51:31 UTC
Blaine named the dog Wesley? OMG excuse me while I die of LOLZ FOREVER.
Go Blaine! OMG go Wes! haha awesome. Nick and Jeff are pretty funny, I like them.
Great chapter!! =D Cannot wait for more to come!


crystallicrain May 1 2011, 03:09:55 UTC
THanks so much! I love Nick and Jeff to pieces, and Wes just fit as the dog so perfectly, hahaha.. <3


lulu_kitty May 1 2011, 03:02:46 UTC
LMAO , Wes is flawless. I'm dying for more Kurt/Blaine interaction... I can't wait to see more with them and see their relationship develop. And I'm wondering what caused this kerfuffle with Karofsky.
Please update soon!


crystallicrain May 1 2011, 03:12:43 UTC
Just wait for the next chapter.. I think you'll be pleased with the development.. ;D

And Karofsky was just doing the usual, talking big and being a jerk.

Glad you liked!


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