Comfort [2]

Nov 04, 2015 15:34

Title: Blue.
Fandom: Tokyo Ghoul. (UA).
Pairing: Haise/Kaneki.
Table and prompt: Table Light. #02 Comfort.
Summary: Overwhelming.
Word count: 290.
Rating: G.
Warnings: -
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters.
Status: Complete.

Life, sometimes, was just overwhelming.

There were good days, where everything seemed to be right, perfect even, when things made sense and the future was bright. However, there were bad days too, when a constrictive feeling rose from the pit of his stomach and took control of all his senses.

It was raining that day, Haise had just came out of work and, as it sometimes happened, he wasn’t feeling well.

It was somewhat normal, especially when he realized the kind of persons with whom he worked with; Arima, who Haise was always trying to see with good eyes, but deep inside he knew how much of a monster he was. Akira, that tried to act as a good friend (sometimes even a mother), but in the end she was only trying to use him.

Everything seemed like a lie. A fake fairytale.

He arrived at home and got out of his car, slowly walking to the door.

It was difficult to cope with everything, it was hard to smile when he only wanted to cry.


The two-tone-haired male startled when he felt a pair of arms encircling his neck, two hands starting to caress his shoulders while soft lips pressed against his hair.

“Are you feeling okay?”

Kaneki asked, his tone gentle, as always.

Haise had forgotten for a while that he actually had someone to come back to, though, he didn’t want to share his sadness with his lover and worry him.

The black-haired male, already sensing it, just kept pampering his husband, feeling how he started to relax between each kiss and whisper of “I love you”.

Life sometimes was overwhelming, but with Kaneki by his side, it was easier to see the good things.

complete, haikane, 12_stories

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