
Jul 10, 2015 22:09

Title: Payback.
Fandom: Tokyo Ghoul.
Pairing: Haise/Kaneki.
Table and prompt: Table Light. #03 Kisses.
Summary: Their first kiss.
Word count: 513.
Rating: G.
Warnings: -
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters.
Status: Complete.

They left the coffee shop when the sky was almost dark, deep tones of blue, orange and red painting the firmament with some stars to adorn it.

That was their fourth date and, as things progressed, everything made Haise believe that they would still see each other more times, after all, he could already tell that he liked Kaneki; his company, his smiles, his personality…

Haise squeezed Kaneki’s hand, hearing him talk about some books, sounding so excited and happy that Sasaki could’ve sworn that he saw his eyes shine.

They decided to walk since the black-haired male’s house was somewhat close to the place where they were and really, the last thing they wanted was part ways.

Talking about everything and nothing at the same time, standing close to each other and holding hands in that cold day, time seemed to fly and soon Haise recognized Kaneki’s apartment in the distance.

Sasaki fixed his red scarf and turned to bid farewell to the black-haired male, although he didn’t want to say goodbye, finding any kind of small excuses to stay there, at Kaneki’s door, under the moon and cold wind, but still holding the other’s warm fingers.

Unfortunately, like all the other times, the couple knew they needed to go, especially when Haise still needed to cross the city to get to his own home. However, not like all the other times, Kaneki held his hands, a faint blush on his cheeks and a determined look on his face.

Sasaki’s eyes widened when he felt soft lips pressing against his own for the first time, coffee invading his mouth, the flavor mixed with one that could only be Kanek’is.

And for a moment, the world seemed to stop.

Haise held his breath and froze in place, still not believing in what was happening.

Kaneki, sweet, shy Kaneki was kissing him and Haise’s only reaction was to stay there, like a statue, nothing coming into his mind, not even a joke, a pun, a pickup line or anything minimally coherent.

When the black-haired male ended the gentle touch, Haise could only feel his cheeks extremely hot, his skin burning and probably bright red.

Seeing and hearing Kaneki giggle and then say that he was “cute” was enough to make Sasaki feel even more embarrassed.

Without thinking too much and not caring if he was being childish, Haise covered his face with his scarf, still flustered and not being able to say anything that weren’t weird noises.

Suddenly, when Kaneki was going to say another thing, Sasaki took a deep breath, lowering his scarf and looking at the black-haired male.

If he couldn’t concentrate enough to say something valuable, he certainly could do something, after all, an action spoke louder than words, right?

It was cute how Kaneki stopped laughing and almost choked when Haise leaned in, pressing their lips in another kiss.

Sasaki didn’t know if it was his or Kaneki’s heart that was beating wildly, but when they parted, he smiled and united their foreheads.

“This is payback.”

And they both laughed.

complete, haikane, 12_stories

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