Stovetop urine

Oct 02, 2007 09:31

We were very happy to be home Sunday morning. However, I was mortified to discover my cats had spent the two weeks thinking litterbox use was optional while we were gone. Our poor unsuspecting neighbour spent two weeks picking up cat shit off our carpets. Not only was I mortified when she asked us if our cats were always prone to crapping on our carpets, I was horrified that she spent two weeks while we were gone picking it up! I mean, she's our new neighbour! I felt absolutely awful.

So the cats have decided that the corner of our kitchen dining area caret is the new box. We cleaned it all up and it still smells. We have lots of candles burning and will probably have to get one of those carpet services who takes up the padding and cleans underneath.

Thing is, I also kept smelling this urine smell in our kitchen, when I was standing by the stove. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from.. until this morning. I vaguely recalled cleaning the stove top off when we got home, wondering what this caked on yellowy brown stuff was. I sniffed the stovetop.

Yes, yes.. the cat urinated on my stovetop, and it had dripped all down into the oven. I know it was Shadow, and I actually think he is the main guilty culprit in all of this as Chaos knows he is not allowed on the counters and generally, if he was unhappy with his litterbox, he would either go in the bathtub or right outside the box. It is not fun to wake up in the morning to cat piss in the stove that you have to clean up precoffee.

I have no clue why they are doing this except maybe they were pissed at us- literally! I did use a different litter, but we have changed out litter brands before with no problem. I hadn't ever used this particular brand. Probably dumb on my part to switch out litter brands before we left for vacation. I went out yesterday and got the usual brand and changed the box. I have also been keeping eagle eyes on Shadow and we locked the cats up last night. I just hoping he doesn't decide our couches or bed are a litterbox. Argh.

Today the carpet cleaners come, I also need to pick up the CSA and make a doctor's appt for Ariel. For months, at least weekly, she wakes up crying saying her legs hurt. I don't know why so it's time to find out.

cat pee

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