Characters The Tenth Doctor [ou](
bit_impossible), Sabaku no Gaara [ou](
Place: The Planet Eos, fringe of the forest
Time: Some time after the pilot-less shuttle lands.
Summary: A meeting and chat about the end of the world.
Warnings: None.
That black star over my shoulder )
Comments 7
"Oh, hello there!" he exclaimed jovially. He gave a short wave of his hand as he deftly dodged a small hole and approached the young man, extending that same hand in greeting. "Don't think we've met in person. I'm the Doctor. Who might you be?"
More to the point, he wondered, which one? The young man's face looked familiar and he was positive he'd seen a doppelganger hanging about somewhere.
Judging from the kanji on the young man's forehead, he assumed somewhere Asian or some culture that was similar to the Asia--most likely China or Japan from the kanji itself. Or the young man was a fan or devoted lover of the culture. Anything was possible.
Really, of all the things he should be thinking of... Then again, he had come for a breath of fresh air, and what a better way of achieving such a thing than satiating his own curiosity on a matter that had nothing to do with the ship and the big black hole? Asking such things was a wonderful distraction.
"I'm a doctor of everything! And I mean everything, well..." he paused, rubbing the back of his head innocently. "Just about everything. I'm not quite an expert in medicine, not yet."
"You don't have to be a medical doctor to heal and save others," he replied simply. "My method of healing usually involves saving people from harm or fixing things that oughtn't have been messed about with in the first place."
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