In my years of
reading books to ankle biters my young wards have fallen into one of two categories: prodigious or retarded. Well ... that may be a severe assessment, but I do mean 'retarded' in the objective sense that they lag their peers and they're enrolled in a reading program to help them get up to speed and perhaps save them from a life of
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Comments 6
And, who knows, maybe you guys will end up penpals. :)
I totally need to convince my company to start this program.
In 4th grade, our teacher rad aloud various Roald Dahl books, and showed us the cartoon for The Lion, Witch, & The Wardrobe. This led to my obsessing on every C. S. Lewis including unfinished adult stories later on like The Dark Tower.
Wish Tamora Pierce was writing when I was that young -- I had to wait for Gael Baudino & Midori Snyder for strong, non-stereotypical female protagonists.
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