Grommet Reading conclusion

Mar 05, 2008 22:16

In my years of reading books to ankle biters my young wards have fallen into one of two categories: prodigious or retarded. Well ... that may be a severe assessment, but I do mean 'retarded' in the objective sense that they lag their peers and they're enrolled in a reading program to help them get up to speed and perhaps save them from a life of ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

atalanta March 6 2008, 04:27:11 UTC
Oh, definitely the Tamora Pierce! Those were great.


msjen March 6 2008, 05:57:14 UTC
She needs A Wrinkle in Time.


panzerkunst March 6 2008, 12:42:09 UTC
Oh yeah!


sirendipity March 6 2008, 14:42:17 UTC
What an experience to have! She will always look back at you as someone who helped her feel like reading was cool and helped her see that she didn't have to be a "meathead" to fit in.

And, who knows, maybe you guys will end up penpals. :)

I totally need to convince my company to start this program.


spitcurl March 6 2008, 15:37:10 UTC
Wow. That's a great story.

In 4th grade, our teacher rad aloud various Roald Dahl books, and showed us the cartoon for The Lion, Witch, & The Wardrobe. This led to my obsessing on every C. S. Lewis including unfinished adult stories later on like The Dark Tower.

Wish Tamora Pierce was writing when I was that young -- I had to wait for Gael Baudino & Midori Snyder for strong, non-stereotypical female protagonists.


adrian_turtle March 6 2008, 16:55:56 UTC
I gave my favorite 6 year old a copy of _Protector of the Small_. She loved it. (She didn't read it herself. Her mother read it to her, with a little judicious editing around the scene at the beginning with the kittens.) They went to Boskone last year, and were terribly disappointed when Tamora Pierce had to cancel at the last minute.


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