Day 24: A J-rock Song That Makes You Happy

Sep 26, 2010 08:14

Answering this is hard because well, music makes me happy. So picking one song is really difficult. Hmm... I guess any upbeat song can be particularly happy-making. Uh, "Sunrise" by D=OUT. Or "EDO FUNK" by LM.C. I listen to "loop" by heidi. a lot. That song is really fun and upbeat, so it makes me smile. So... yeah ( Read more... )

heidi., lm.c, versailles philharmonic quintet, d=out

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Comments 4

twilightstarz28 September 26 2010, 19:49:31 UTC
rly? many poeple don't like the jubilee cover!? omg why won't they?
i rly like it cause it's creative.


creative_kiss September 27 2010, 04:52:02 UTC
I really have no idea why, truthfully. Teru did a great job representing the period and neo-classical theme of the album. I was pretty astonished to see negative comments around the internet, but I did. I can't say it was TON of people, but I saw enough to be surprised. So it really made me laugh when Teru made that announcement.


csg_dear4life September 26 2010, 23:52:22 UTC
I like the cover.


creative_kiss September 27 2010, 04:48:00 UTC
I love that well-though out, complex response to my post. I cherish your passion.


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