Writerly Ways

Sep 13, 2020 21:52

I had some thoughts for today's writerly ways but they're gone as I'm having one of my strange episodes of complete no energy. So instead I'll relate an article I read recently talking about online reviews being more important than ever. Many of us cannot go into physical book stores. Maybe many of you haven't done that in years. So reviews are the only way we have of getting our stories out there.

It doesn't have to be pro-level reviews. Just a few lines is enough. Think about your own buying habits. Do you take a chance on a book with no reviews (if so that is great because someone new to this is going to be thankful you tried).

My paranormal romance novella Cassadaga Nights comes out tomorrow. The link there will take you to a snippet and buy links (and I do have some arcs to giveaway if you want one)

And now some links

from around the web

Write Your First Draft Like A Movie Script

here. Why I Am Self-Publishing My Fifth Book

On Plot And Character (And Giving Writing Advice At The End Of The World) (Chuck Wendig so NWFS language)


An Unforeseen Reward of Setting Your Writing Aside

An Author's Actionable Guide to Story Ideas

Implementing Theme into Your Story

6 Plot Alternatives To ‘The Quest’ In Fantasy Fiction

From Betty

What Your First 50 Pages Reveals

Black Moments: Understanding Our Options

Chapter Structure: How to Write the Perfect Chapter

How Our Stories Abandon Morality for Gray-Colored Lenses Betty and I are in agreement. We don't agree with all of this but it is a different perspective

Are You Willing to Declutter Your Fears to Achieve Your Dreams?

Seven Rules to Get the Feedback You Need

No Story Conflict? Explore Your Options

Conflict Thesaurus Entry: Discrimination or Harassment

writing links, writerly ways

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