Jul 24, 2008 12:08
I've applied to 40+ 50+ jobs since the second week in June when I was asked to consider moving to southern New Hampshire. I've received one two rejections and a bunch of automated "we'll check out your resume" e-mails.
No takers? Seriously?
It seems my degree is worth shit.
real life: job hunting,
real life: work
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Comments 2
Seems you are over qualified for the non-degree jobs and too much of a junior for the rest. Drove me up the wall, but by the end of it I had three jobs on one day (one I was working, one I was about to start and the third I was starting in 6 months that they asked me to start the following Monday). I'm still with that final job now (though it is driving me crazy lately).
So good luck! I hope it pours soon.
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