I meant to update sooner, really, I did...

Nov 30, 2005 16:46

I hope everyone had a great holiday.  Mine, indeed, was tolerable.  The highlight, as librainiac and  badasslytherin  have mentioned, was getting together with the two of them.  We met for breakfast, caught up on the past few years, remembered the good old days, and even ventured to New England Comics.  Now, with librainiac's departure, I feel a renewed sense of loss; my greatest ( Read more... )

real life: fitness, thundercats, serenity, comics, real life

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Comments 4

xjustinxbaileyx December 1 2005, 00:30:33 UTC
I don't say this about anyone ever but your short hair kicks major ass.


badasslytherin December 1 2005, 01:19:37 UTC
Is your kitty icon doing tae-bo?? That rocks!!! I am sorry that you head hurts and glad it's not a tumor. :-) This morning was not as fun as the last two had been, I missed going to the gym with you, however with the extra hour of sleep that I got I had a really cool dream that we were bridesmaids in Peter DeLuise's wedding.


(The comment has been removed)

badasslytherin December 1 2005, 16:55:13 UTC
We promise not to have a lot of fun with out you. I am very jealous of the hair cut. She's like Aeon Flux but only cooler.


donkeytool December 1 2005, 18:44:38 UTC
Allright, post a goddamn picture so I can see the hair!


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