
Aug 21, 2007 17:50

Sometimes, I lose the ability to yawn. It's this weird feeling of not being satisfied after a yawn attempt. It's surprisingly frustrating. I guess it's really not a big deal. It just happens sometimes where I have about a week of having a hard time yawning. And, then, it just works again ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

partygirl74 August 22 2007, 01:53:26 UTC
me me....it le sucks.
sup? and how are things?


visionarioalma August 22 2007, 05:42:32 UTC
It sounds like you have Mandible Dysfunction...they have pills for things like that, you know ;-)


Hmmm. coolitdown August 22 2007, 14:15:15 UTC
Maybe? But my mandible seems to be fine... Maybe you'll find out someday. :-P


danagobyebye August 26 2007, 04:59:17 UTC
I yawn way too damn much...especially when I exercise/ stretch. It is weird...but I think it is a medication side effect (in my case).


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