
Feb 27, 2006 14:52

Many of you have been aware that I have not been myself lately. I recently learned that I failed my comp. This was the third time and it coincided with several other unfortunate and foolish mistakes that I have made recently. The sum total of which was to make me doubt the validity of my own life. A dark and rather self-destructive side of my ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

kimmylyn February 27 2006, 22:59:01 UTC

I just want you to know that I admire you in so many respects- as an improviser, as an incredibly intelligent human being, and as a great friend. I know things are hard for you right now, but you are NOT a failure and I hope that you can see that. And as crappy as things are right now, at least you can rest assured that the mafia isn't out for you....I can imagine that that would REALLY suck.

Feel better:)


swirlycherly February 28 2006, 03:43:20 UTC
That Dr. Benjamin clearly knows whats up.

And Kim's right! No mafia to worry about? You're golden.


lysiegrl February 28 2006, 05:58:37 UTC
Bryan, you are a fantastic friend. You are a great economist, and the smartest person I know. You know so much random stuff, but at the same time you know so much interesting, relevant stuff. You are awesome. You are so cool, and Mock Turtle Soup wouldn't be crap without you. Let's grab some Star Wars, ice cream, and turtles and have a fun evening.


spiderpatch February 28 2006, 14:56:25 UTC
Glad to hear that you're feeling better man. and Dude, you are a great friend, and one of the funniest people I know. When we riff on a topic, no matter how boring, we take it to the stratosphere. I'm really thankful to have found somebody with such a similar sense of humor.


guessworktheory March 1 2006, 15:56:22 UTC
I hope you don't think this is trite, but I am imagining you perfectly right now as George Bailey, looking back at your life thus far, wringing your hands and thinking of all these faults that seem so huge and insurmountable to you now. And I feel like everyone here wishes we could explain to you how soon we would be there and much we would give if you were ever in trouble and needed a laundry basket full of money and a copy of Tom Sawyer. Everyone from MTS and I'm sure countless others would step up in a heartbeat to help you Bryan because you are one of the kindest, humblest, smartest, most creatve and inspiring people we know and we all value you so much.


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