Conner's Voicemail

May 06, 2010 01:37

Hey, you've reached Conner McKnight. Leave a message, will ya? I'm not as fast as I used to be but I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

This normal life stuff is harder than you'd think.

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multi_madrox December 11 2006, 15:53:22 UTC
Conner? Jamie Madrox. Just wanted to give you a heads up that Marie was pulled out of school over the Thanksgiving holiday because her parents found out she was a mutant and tried to "fix" her. We're on our way to pick her up in Greensboro. I thought you should know since you're good friends with her and stuff. If you can come along that would be great!

[ooc: Sorry. Totally flaked on getting the info to Conner. I suck]


connernotconnor December 11 2006, 16:34:00 UTC
Conner checked his voicemail before heading out for breakfast and winced when he heard Jamie's message. Quickly, he left one in response.

"Jamie . . . hey, dude, I would love to go, but if we're talking about people who freaked out because she's not 'normal,' it might be a bad idea. Something sort of happened and I kind of stick out like a sore thumb right now. I'm really sorry. I'd love to help, but it might make things worse for me to be around where you're going. But when you get her, 'cause I know you will, tell her I'm sorry I couldnt make it?"

[OOC: No worries -- I totally flaked on having him track Jamie or Willow down at some point earlier too.]


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