Making your code or you style viewable/Posting code

Jul 27, 2006 13:03

» Making your code viewable
» Making your style viewable
» Posting some code

» Making your code viewable

Important: you do not need to give anyone your password to allow people to see your code. DO NOT EVER GIVE YOUR PASSWORD.

When you want people to be able to see your code, simply make your layers viewable. How?

1. Go to Your Layers. Find your layer and click on Edit.

2. Insert layerinfo source_viewable = 1; at the top. Click on Save and Compile.

3. Go back to Your Layers. Spot your layer. Spot the number which is on its left. That's the layer ID. Give it to the person who's helping you.

If you want to be extra nice and save the person who's helping you some time, you can go a little further.

4. Instead of simply giving the number, click on it. This will open a new page.

5. On this new page, click on the link which says 'View source: Raw Source Code'. This will open a new page where you can see your code.

6. Copy the address which is in the address field of your browser and give it to the person who's helping you.

» Making your style viewable

1. Go to Your Styles.

2. Spot your style. Spot the number which is next to it. This is your Style ID. Give it to the person who's helping you.

If you want to be extra nice and save the person who's helping you some time, you can go a little further.

3. Instead of simply giving the number, click on it. This will open a new page where you can see your layout styled with your style.

4. Copy the address which is in the address field of your browser and give it to the person who's helping you.

» Posting some code

Important: do not ever post your whole code, please. Make it viewable instead.
Important too: always use s when you post code, please.

You cannot copy and paste code as it is. You need to transform it. How?

1. Select your code then right click on 'Copy'.

2. Go here. Paste your code into the box.

3. Click on 'Modify HTML'.

4. Select the code which appears in the second box - named 'Resulting modified code' - and right click on 'Copy'.

5. Paste in your entry or comment.


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