Kai's Ameblog/Ameblo Tutorial! [Part 2]

Apr 07, 2010 00:50

Part 4- Deleting your account (& a quick guide to email notifications) is here
Part 3- Posting blogs, commenting is here
Part 2- Amember & Peta
Part 1- Registering is here
I switched browsers for this because the other one displays "bold" Japanese text strangely.

This is your My Page on Ameba. It doesn't really have anything to do with this tutorial but it's good to familiarize yourself with it anyway. ;D

Requesting amember access is pretty easy. You can do it either from their profile page (called "room" ):

Or on their mini-profile on any page in the actual blog:

Sorry for not having the same user for both but I decided it would be easier and faster to amember my real profile than add a band or another user (and I didn't think to show the blog mini-pro until after XD).

Once you click the request amember link, you'll see this:

The "no email updates" means you won't receive an email telling you when the user posts an amember-restricted entry. It might be good to click it if the person always posts amember-restricted.^^;

Now your request has been sent! When the person accepts your request (I think most band/band-men & famous person profiles are set to automatically accept, so don't be surprised!), you'll get this email:

It's just saying that they accepted your amember request, with links to their room and blog (in case you forgot who?? XD)

Note: Adding amember is not like adding LJ friends. The person you request cannot see your amember-restricted posts unless they want to add you back (and you can't see the restricted posts of anyone you've added without adding them too).

Remember the blog subscriptions list on your My Page? It will be updated to include the person you requested from (it only shows the most recent blog entry- and it usually shows when it was posted, unless the entry is old)

You will receive this email when they post an amember-restricted entry, unless you checked off the no email box.

In your blog subscription list on My Page, any amember entries will have that little blue speech-bubble next to them.

Now to give peta! You can either use the link in the user's room or scroll to the bottom of a blog entry and click the peta link.

This will not give the peta! You still need to click the "peta pet" (there are many different peta pets, it changes after reaching a certain number of peta each day) :

Once you do that, you should see your name added to the list! If you don't, the peta didn't go through for some reason. It happens to me sometimes. I either just refresh the page or go back to the blog, make sure I don't have any other peta pages open, click the peta link again, then try once more

I will happily make more tutorials on how to use Ameba (when I have free time) so feel free to request!

FYI, the comments of the post have information on how to manage your amembers, watchers, etc. so please check them as well! (Because of this, I'm screening any off-topic comments & chat-threads in this post. Sorry! :C )

tutorial, ameba, public

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