✿ ( oo1 loads of laundry ) voice → video

Feb 27, 2011 20:21

This is... definitely not my apartment. [ There's silence for a little while and then, hesitantly: ] Can anyone tell me where I am? I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be out getting signatures for the new Caring Hands build--

[ The feed cuts out as she fiddles around with the device for a moment. Eventually, it switches over to video. As ( Read more... )

✪ video, ✪ voice, game: vatheon

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video; behisstrength February 28 2011, 11:14:31 UTC
[Motochika wears a calm expression as he switches on the feed.]

A member of the Welcoming Committee will be with you shortly; they shall provide you with all the information you require, as well as a towel.

Welcome to Vatheon. You have been swept under from your own world and time, like many of us. I am afraid that there is no route home... not by your own will. Nor is there any Captain Hammer present, to my knowledge.


video; behisstrength March 1 2011, 12:21:12 UTC

[His gaze turns curious.]

Where were you torn from, Penny?


video; colorcanbefound March 1 2011, 15:25:59 UTC
Los Angeles.


video; behisstrength March 1 2011, 15:44:28 UTC
[There is a distinct lack of recognition.]

Is this... Los Angeles a country? Or perhaps a city?


video; colorcanbefound March 1 2011, 16:04:29 UTC
[ There's an awkward pause and Penny lifts her eyebrows slightly. ] It's a city. In California?


video; behisstrength March 1 2011, 16:22:58 UTC
[There is still no recognition in Motochika's expression; only curiosity.]

Is California part of Earth?

[Though most people seem to be from varying places on it, some do come from other worlds entirely. It's worth checking.]


video; colorcanbefound March 1 2011, 16:33:26 UTC
[ She nods. ]

Are you... not from Earth?


video; behisstrength March 1 2011, 16:38:05 UTC
[Motochika laughs lightly.]

Forgive me. I am from Earth, but I know little of the lands outside of Japan, beyond what I have heard from others here. What year do you come from?


video; colorcanbefound March 1 2011, 16:41:39 UTC
Oh. [ She smiles again. ] 2008. What about you?


video; behisstrength March 1 2011, 16:45:56 UTC


video; colorcanbefound March 1 2011, 16:58:20 UTC
Wow. That's... a long time ago. This place really pulls people from different times like that?


video; behisstrength March 1 2011, 23:01:32 UTC

Do not worry; most of those from Earth seem to come from a date close to yours. I also understand that Vatheon's technology matches that of your era.


video; colorcanbefound March 2 2011, 16:02:26 UTC
Really? [ She smiles slightly. ] That'll make this place a little easier to get used to, then.


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