(nano shots) smoke before the fire, j2, pg [pre-slash]

Nov 25, 2010 22:26

Title: smoke before the fire
Author enablelove
Character(s)/Pairing: Jared/Jensen pre-slash (AU)
Theme: Nano-Shots Special Table 2010 at spn_30snapshots
Prompt(s): 08. smoke
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, unfortunately.
Summary: Jensen is caught in the office when he smells smoke.
Words: 340
For: mini_nanowrimo

Jensen pushes up his glasses with his index finger before going back to typing his article for the newspaper. He's passionate about the subject, funding for education, and he's writing at a mad pace, trying to type all of his thoughts as fast as they run through his mind. This is Jensen’s favorite part - the rush of energy and accomplishment he feels when he gets his jumbled ideas and half formed sentences into coherent words and paragraphs.

He’s so lost in the zone that he misses the distinct smell of smoke until it’s ambushing all his senses.

Jensen’s eyes water and he can smell the acrid taste of something burning. He looks around the empty office (what he gets for working on a Sunday) wondering what went wrong. He can’t see anything out of the ordinary but the smell of smoke is too strong to ignore. He saves his spot and e-mails himself, just in case.

Jensen pockets his phone and goes to investigate, stopping at the door of his office when he sees yellow flames licking the floors and wall a few feet away. He turns back around trying to figure out what he should do, when he catches sight of the window in his office.

He attempts to open it, knowing it won’t help bringing in oxygen to the fire, but he’s at a loss of what else to do. As he tries to fiddle with the lock, he dials 911 and takes in huge gulps of air as he explains there’s a fire to the operator. The latch finally clicks open and Jensen can feel the fire getting closer without even turning around. He throws off his glasses, his eyes watering profusely now and he tries to rub them.

The smoke is too much at this point and Jensen drops to the ground, thinking back to stop, drop, and roll as they were taught in elementary school.

The last thing Jensen remembers before passing out is a fireman’s uniform on a tall, tall guy with intense eyes.

Next: rescuing people is a full time job


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