(nano shots) rain, rain, go away [pg] j2 preslash

Nov 08, 2010 19:24

Title: rain, rain, go away
Author enablelove
Character(s)/Pairing: Jared, Jensen (pre-slash)
Theme: Nano-Shots Special Table 2010 at spn_30snapshots
Warnings: AU. Pre-Slash
Prompt(s): 07. rain
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, unfortunately.
Summary: Jensen has the worst day ever.
Words: 820
For: mini_nanowrimo
A/N: A sequel to the day before yesterday’s fic taking comfort. Still pre-slash guys ;)

Jensen is having the most craptastic day ever.

First, his alarm doesn’t go off. Or it probably did and Jensen just turned it off instead of hitting the snooze button, accidentally. At least that’s what he does to his phone alarm. But apparently there was a huge storm, which knocked out power so that’s why his alarm clock didn’t go off. Matt, his roommate, comes in and throws the covers off him, and Jensen has to drag himself up. He might have cursed a little and thanks Matt profusely as he runs into the shower, barely scrubbing himself clean.

Then, his clothes that he wanted to wear turned out to have some sort of stain on them that Jensen hadn’t noticed last night. He has to quickly find something else to wear and has to spend precious time ironing the only other button down left in his closet. He really needs to do laundry sometime soon.

There is no edible food left in the fridge and pantry and Jensen doesn’t have cash on him, but luckily Matt spots him some money for lunch.

But then, as he is walking down the stairs, he trips on something on the steps and drops his phone, cracking the case. When he bends down to pick it up, he gets mud all over his pants somehow, which has him running back upstairs to change. He’s just glad he texted his supervising teacher that he’d be a little late.

After he finally gets in his car, it doesn’t start, no matter what he does. He is seriously contemplating just calling in sick and making up the day later when he sees Matt backing out of his space. He quickly dashes out of his car and runs over to Matt’s, throwing himself inside. Jensen pretty much begs Matt to drop him off to the middle school, which he does, thankfully. Jensen is so going to buy his roommate something amazing as soon as the day from hell was over.

If they hadn’t already tanked at the dating thing, Jensen would have totally kissed the guy. He probably would have anyway, but he is afraid one of his students might see, and that’s not something he really needs to add to his day.

As soon as they reach the school, though, it starts to rain. Heavily. Jensen looks up at the sky beseechingly before cursing under his breath and jogging inside the building, waving behind him at Matt.

Luckily, the day seems to go pretty smoothly after that. The kids are no less crazy than normal, actually seem tame compared to usual. Jensen takes the morning to calm down and try not to curl up in a ball and cry. The entire morning’s stress comes tumbling back at lunch when Jensen just sits at the table, the cafeteria’s nasty lunch in front of him, and thunks his head down on it. His forehead rests against the cool wood, and it is such a nice relief.

Jared finds him like this and only asked what was wrong when Jensen’s entire screwed up morning comes tumbling out before Jensen can stop himself. Jensen brings his head up to look at Jared who stares back at him, wide mouthed, as the entire tale spills from Jensen’s lips. Jensen can see some concern on Jared’s face and he feels a bubble of warmth in his belly at it.

He feels Jared’s gigantic hand rub circles on his back and Jensen sets his head back down again to hide his flushing face. Jensen hears Jared softly murmuring it’s okay in his smooth voice, and feels his cheeks heat up even more. What an awesome impression he’s making on the guy he’s absolutely crushing on.

Jared offers him one of the sandwiches he brought as well as some of his chips when Jensen finally lifts his face after the blush has died down a bit. He’s not going to lie to himself; Jensen secretly loves Jared’s Power Rangers lunchbox. Jared brings two to three sandwiches every day, claiming he’s a growing boy. Jensen doesn’t feel too bad taking one as a result.

“Thanks Jared, you have no idea how much this means. Haven’t even had breakfast so I’m starving and lunch today looks like some sort of rodent fried up and served,” Jensen tells him. Jared laughs, head thrown back, and Jensen can only stare at the beauty of Jared. He loves that most of the teachers leave the two of them alone during lunch, instead choosing to gossip about the kids and whatever. Jensen’s never been happier about that, even if he does guiltily like hearing about what’s going on in the schools.

Jensen won’t admit it to Jared, but telling him all that and feeling the soothing hands on his back as well as the soft voice and offer of lunch just made his day infinitely better. Rain or no rain.

Next: coffee - the way to a man's heart


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