(nano shots) the balance of things [pg] j2 preslash

Nov 05, 2010 21:52

Title: the balance of things
Author enablelove
Character(s)/Pairing: Jared, Jensen (pre-slash)
Theme: Nano-Shots Special Table 2010 at spn_30snapshots
Warnings: AU. Pre-Slash
Prompt(s): 02. balance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, unfortunately.
Summary: Jensen's harboring a little crush himself.
Words: 427
For: mini_nanowrimo
A/N: A sequel to yesterday’s fic any excuse possible. Still pre-slash guys ;) Also. Jensen’s headspace SUCKS. Sorry it’s so short!

Jensen hears Jared saying his name and looks up, smiling automatically. It’s barely been a couple of hours and he already knows Jared’s voice and the fact that the guy can make him grin just for saying his name. It’s a bit worrying to be completely honest. And damn, Jensen really likes hearing his name come from the Jared’s mouth.

He waves Jared to the empty seats in front of him and Jared sits down with his own lunch. It looks like he brought it too, in a Power Rangers lunchbox. Jensen bets it’s the same one Jared used when he was in school, and he can’t help but find that ten kind of adorable.

Jensen is kind of fascinated by all the things Jared’s pulling out, it’s almost like Jared’s back in school himself from the sandwich to the juice box to the Ziploc baggie of chips and another one of cookies. Jensen’s tempted to snarkily ask if his Mom left a note in the lunchbox too, but he doesn’t want to risk the tenuous balance they have right now. Jared doesn’t know him at all, and the sarcasm might be mean, excpt that’s how Jensen is with all of his close friends.

There are some feelings that Jared might be interested in him from the glances Jensen’s seen Jared throw his way, but he really doesn’t want to fall headfirst into anything. Jared seems different and Jensen really wants to get to know the guy before anything else.

They start to talk, after Jared’s bitten into his sandwich, about their day and their classes. Jared begins this story of one of the boys in the class trying to pick up the girls and asking Jared’s advice because he seems like a cool dude.

“Those were his words exactly! I asked him what makes me cool, and he looked at me like I was an idiot and said it was because I was a college guy, duh,” Jared says with a huge laugh.

Jensen’s a bit mesmerized by the appearance of dimples and how Jared’s eyes seem to light up as he reminisces. Jensen’s in deep. And it’s only been less than an hour total he’s known the guy.

The balance between wanting to be this guy’s friend, wanting to be his boyfriend, wanting to be a stalker, and wanting to just be an acquaintance is unsteady at best. Jensen’s not quite sure what he wants at this point.

All he knows is that he wants Jared in his life. Any way he can get him.

Next: taking comfort


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