A philosophical debate regarding the melodramatic lives of books

Mar 29, 2009 20:24

This important conversation took place with all the gravitas due to it, via my Facebook update thread thingy (Tish = theamazingtishSuzanne: I should probably organize my books, but they look so happy in their disorganized state and I don't want to ruin their fun. Have you paid attention to your books' feelings? They don't really want to be alphabetized. They ( Read more... )

relationships, important philosophical debates, internet, books, chat logs, i might not be very nice, watermelon jello can go to hell

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Comments 10

sanalith March 30 2009, 01:21:56 UTC
So what is your advice on how to deal with a book who is a bully? Like, no matter who you put it with, it always starts a fight. I'd normally consider solitary confinement, but really, there just aren't enough bookshelves to go around to give bullies their very own! But it's not fair for all the other poor little books to suffer, either!


clytemnestra215 March 30 2009, 01:37:10 UTC
I think it's more than fair to let the littler books suffer! If a book is a bully (taking up space, dwarfing the others, sometimes smacking them around on the playground) then there's obviously a good reason for it. Sometimes they get their own table instead, but in the case of my room, which is miniscule and has no tables at all, the little ones will just have to make do and realize that they should have been more awesome if they really wanted to contend with the big kids.


eireann8 March 30 2009, 03:35:44 UTC
My books are quite happy in their current disorganized state.


elyna March 30 2009, 06:02:33 UTC
*giggles lots*


jadeserenity March 30 2009, 07:19:04 UTC
My books like bookshelves. And I defy you to tell me different.


mellyisms March 30 2009, 11:24:48 UTC
My books *like* being alphabetised. Except - I've got two different sets of alphabetisation because some of the books only fit on one of the bookcases, and I have too many big books to put even some small books on that bookcase.

So anyway, they all like being alphabetised, in whichever way I do it :D


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