blushing + wordy geekness

Aug 04, 2005 03:30

I just took an 'Ultimate Purity Test' but I am not posting the results. :look

It was fun though. :P

Was thinking about this earlier: In the Hokey Pokey, one puts one's right foot in and then puts one's right foot out. But is that really correct? To put the foot out? Wouldn't one take the foot out? One may put something out, but it has a sense of ( Read more... )

grammar, geek

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Comments 10

ashamanic August 4 2005, 09:10:06 UTC
I STILL say it is hokey cokey *nods*


clytemnestra215 August 4 2005, 09:11:00 UTC
Rokey stokey. :|



ashamanic August 4 2005, 09:13:35 UTC
how about pokey cokey, that sounds like a good compromise :D
and, being easy going and unstubborn, I always love the compromises


clytemnestra215 August 4 2005, 09:43:34 UTC
*snuggles the unstubborn one*

Pokey cokey sounds like a harrassing coke addict.


aymaera August 4 2005, 15:19:39 UTC
nono, you put it out because it goes outside of the circle... like, inside, back to start, outside, back to start :D


thelordduke August 4 2005, 17:56:38 UTC
I've always sang it "You put your right foot in, you take your right foot out" :P


clytemnestra215 August 4 2005, 18:17:41 UTC
And this is the way it should be! *claps*


marlinya August 4 2005, 19:18:04 UTC
I may be singing that song for pay soon...(music teaching at daycare centers) know how little kids can be when they get something in their heads; they never let you forget it. Whatever I teach them first, that's what it's gonna be forever & ever.


clytemnestra215 August 4 2005, 19:35:15 UTC
Which way will you do it, then? :look


marlinya August 5 2005, 02:22:52 UTC know, I haven't decided...probably I'll go with "put" both times, so they get it in their heads faster? But if I decide now I know I'll probably have a slip of the tongue and be stuck with something entirely different...


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